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" Now that you've finished up your first semester at UA, it's time for summer vacation. But, don't think of these next few months as rest for you heroes-in-making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become Plus Ultra material, remember that." Aizawa said, standing before his class before they had to depart. The class gave a strong 'YES,SIR' before dispersing into groups to talk to friends. Kaori walked up to Aizawa before he could escape.

" Hey, Chichi, do you think leaving Mom alone for the next week or two will be okay? What if she thinks WE forgot her?" She asked, scratching at her forearm. Aizawa took a hold of her hand softly, placing it at her side. Scratching her fore-arm was a way of showing how anxious she was depending on how fast she scratched. Right now, she was only scratching it briefly, but with it only starting, even that was worrisome. 

" There's no reason to worry, sweetheart. Mic has already promised to fill her in and keep her company." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

" Hizashi? What if they get in a fight because you're dating him? Or what if Mom-" She began to question, but Aizawa interrupted her with as much politeness as he could muster. 

" You're overthinking this." He said. She sighed, still worried as she rubbed her fore-arms on the sides of her skirt. 

" You can still send letters, remember? We can even call her every night like we did when Naomi spent her first few days there. OK?" He asked, giving a small smile.

" Yeah, ok." She said, letting the anxiety float away as she let out her final sigh. 

" Listen, I have to talk with the driver and discuss routes. Go talk with your friends, okay?" He asked.

" Alright. See you later!" She said, waving to him as she walked off. He walked away from her, climbing onto the bus. She walked towards Mina, the pink girl's attention quickly turned to her. No one knows how or when, but Mina traveled by light-speed, quickly tackling Kaori into a hug. 

" BABESS!!! AREN'T YOU EXCITED?! WANNA SIT BY ME ON THE BUS?" Mina asked, looking up from Kaori's shoulder as she rested her pink cheek on the girl's shoulder. 

" Sure, but if you plan on staying clung to my body, at least get on my back. You're gonna fall and dislocate my shoulder like this." Kaori said, poking Mina's forehead a few times. Mina gaped at the invite, quickly climbing onto Kaori's back. 

" Your hair is the perfect pillow~" Mina said, practically falling asleep on the girl. 

" Thank you..?" Kaori asked, a little confuesed by this. 

" I want a piggy-back ride, too!" Kaminari said, hopping over to the two girls. 

" Oh, me, too!" Sero joined in, popping up beside him. 

" Come on, guys, she can't hold you all at once!" Kirishima said, trying to calm the two other people down. Kaori smirked smugly, looking up at Mina. 

" Mina, get on my shoulders. Boys, hold tight and don't move." Kaori said. Mina sweat-dropped, nonetheless following orders. 

" Shimura, you don't have to! Are you sure you can hold them all?" Kirishima asked, worried as the two boys stepped up, ecstatic as ever. Bakugou then walked up to the group. 

" I saw her obliterate a punching bag once. Now it's somewhere in existence." Bakugou said, calm for once. Kaori touched Kaminari and Sero's shoulders, bending down as she looked up at Bakugou, scoffing. 

" What?" He asked, brows furrowing. 

" Are you kidding?" Kaori asked, laughing after that. " I wiped it from ALL existence!" She lifted Kaminari and Sero up, the two quickly holding onto Ashido and Kaori as she stood. Kirishima's eyes went wide as Bakugou starred in confusion. 

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