Blackouts and Backstories

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Hey, Sorry For The Late Chapter! A Lot Of Busy Schedules and Internet Issues Going On Right Now! Hope Y'all Can Enjoy!

Their week seemed to be dragging them on, while equally moving faster than planned. They'd spent nearly the entire week dragging behind Endeavor, just barely arriving at the scene on time. The closest any of them got was Kaori, but even she couldn't out-run Endeavor's blazing speed. To put it simply, they'd spent nearly 5 days crawling behind Endeavor's shadow like lost puppies. And here it was, happening once again. Kaori arrived a solid minute before the boys, watching as Endeavor cuffed the man, the police walking over while congratulating the Hero. Are you fucking kidding me? This is the 23rd time! TODAY! Endeavor turned to face the four Work Study students as the boys panted, slowing to a stop beside Kaori.

" Let's stop here for today," He said, noting their exhausted behavior. " You should return to your rooms and get some sleep."


" We haven't actually fought anyone yet, so-" She countered, looking in Bakugou's direction before being interrupted by Todoroki.

" What about you? You're not coming back with us?" Todoroki questioned, straightening his posture as his heavy pants began to disappear.

" I'll turn in once patrol's over. We have an early day tomorrow, so don't start it by being fatigued." Endeavor recommended before continuing to walk down the street. Well. That's that. Kaori turned on her heel, already making her way back towards Endeavor's Agency, about 3 blocks away.

" This is so annoying. We haven't even caught up to him!" Bakugou groaned, walking by her side as Todoroki and Midoriya followed.

" I'd say we'd get there soon, but then I'd be letting myself down, so-" Kaori said, trailing off with her sentence. The four made small-talk as they made their way into the Agency's living quarters. She waved to the boys as she reached her floor, walking down the hallway lazily as the three went up another story. She opened her room's door, swaying back and forth as she walked in, shutting the door with a thump. She stripped out of her Hero suit, putting on a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, crashing onto her bed. She fell face first on her pillow, slowly falling asleep like that, not minding the fact she couldn't quite breathe.

The Next Morning

Upon seeing morning light and hearing her alarm blare straight into her ear and travel like a virus in her noggin, Kaori was up and already preparing for the day ahead of her. She brushed through her hair, trying to put it in it's usual style, but no matter how hard she tried, it wouldn't quite style the way she wanted it to. At one point, she threw it up into a traditional sort of bun, blowing away the stray strands of her bangs. She walked out of her room, trudging down the empty hall. She made her way through the building, walking into the rather spacious training room, finding the others already standing, waiting for Endeavor.

" Hey, guys. Am I late?" She questioned, waiting for Bakugou's previously yelling to die down. Midoriya started talking about something with Todoroki, Bakugou butting in as he pointed out obvious details. She leaned her arm onto Bakugou's shoulder, listening to them for 3 seconds before tuning out. The days when you need a Mon.

" Are we ready?" Endeavor appeared behind them, the four students lining up, posture improved as all four gave affirmative nods. And so, the day begun. First task on the list was patrolling on the ground. While running after Endeavor, a good 20 feet away, she felt at odds with herself. The only thing she focused on was Endeavor, everything else was just a blurry mess. What was that feeling, again? The one on their first day, saving that woman in the street. What feeling could you call that? Once again, Endeavor beat all four of them, saving a few window cleaners from falling to their deaths. The day went on again, Endeavor always enduring as the rest of them crawled to make an effort. A fire, armed robberies, speeding vehicles.

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