Provisional Licenses

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" Everybody has their things, correct?" Aizawa looked over the group of students as they unboarded the charter bus. Class 1a stood in front of their bus, looking at the large, uniquely shaped building before them. The whole class had jitters, of course, but they knew that even with those exam fears, they could get through this. If they could survive a couple villain attacks, why couldn't they survive an exam that would most likely determine their chances to become a Hero? Kaori stood in the front of the class, between Mina and Sero. Even if they weren't taking the exam yet, her guard was built higher than they'd be able to process.

" If you can pass this test and get your provisional license exam, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros, so I expect your best." Aizawa encouraged the class.

" Alright! I can't wait to be a heroic chicken!" Kaminari exclaimed. You've got the chicken part down, she thought to herself.

" Let's call out the usual, you guys! On my mark!" Kirishima exclaimed excitedly, raising a proud fist. However, he failed to notice a rather large student edging closer to him.

" Go plus-" Kirishima started out alone, however, with the next words, this anonymous person joined in with everybody else. " ULTRA!"

" You know, it's pretty rude to barge into other people's huddle like that, Inasa." Said another anonymous person, however, more calm and stoic.

" What? Pardon me. I am so very extremely SORRY!!" The strange student said, bending down 90 degrees to the point where he'd hit his head on the concrete. Kaori blinked, unsure how to react. To either by puzzled, annoyed, or worried. Maybe it was a strange combination of both.

" I don't trust this guys enthusiasm." Kaminari said. Kaori took a closer look at the students, noticing the their hats. Wait a minute, that's-

" Hey, look at their uniforms! I think they're from that famous school on the other side of Japan!" Jiro pointed out, stealing her thunder

" UA in the East. Shiketsu in the West." She spoke up, stepping forward to get a better look.

" I WANTED TO SAY IT JUST ONCE!! PLUS ULTRA!! HA! IT'S JUST SO MUCH FUN TO SAY!!" He announced, raising a proud fist as he exclaimed his compassion.

" You see, I REALLY love UA High School! I'm beyond honored to compete against such INCREDIBLE STUDENTS!! I'M SO LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!" This Inasa boy exclaimed, giving a bright smile. Kaori cracked a small smile, honored by his love, but scared by his enthusiasm.

" Inasa Yoarashi." Her father spoke up.

" You know him, Chichi?" She asked, looking to her Father. Inasa waved to them all, beaming happily as he made eye contact with Kaori for a split second. He turned to his friend group, walking away with them. Kaori looked over the group of teenagers. One girl, a blonde, turned to look at her, giving a smile and a wave. She gave a wave back. She seems friendly.

" Indeed. He's strong. He's the same year as all of you and received some of the top scores admitted through recommendations, but, for some unknown reason, he turned down his acceptance to UA and went to Shiketsu." Aizawa explained. Kaori looked a little closer at the boy that walked away. He was definitely familiar, but it almost seemed impossible for him to be their age. She thought back to her exams. It finally clicked in her. Inasa Yoarashi was that guy who won against Todoroki in one of the exams!

" Wait...he's our age?" Midoriya questioned before glancing at two of the three students who were admitted to UA through recommendations.

" Is anyone else confuesed here? He says he loves our school, yet he turned down his acceptance letter?" Sero questioned.

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