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Kaori sat in the first row of the 1A stands, ready to watch the fight with Iida and Todoroki. It was sure to be an interesting one.

" GET READY! START!" Mic yelled. Todoroki didn't waist time making the first strike, sending a wave of ice from his foot. Iida ran out of the way, dodging the attack. Iida tried to attack, but Todoroki cornered him by making another wall. Iida stopped before he could be hit, but fell into Todoroki's trap.

" Iida's been cornered!" Mic yelled. Todoroki then shot another wave right down the middle, straight towards Iida's path.

" Todoroki's going in for the win already!" Mic announced. As it seemed the ice would hit Iida, he managed to blast into the air. A standing long jump. 

" Recipro...BURST!!" Iida yelled. Iida charged forward in the air, going for a leg kick. Todoroki just happened to duck right on time as Iida's leg passed. Iida missed, but did the same move again, causing Todoroki to crash to the ground. Todoroki didn't delay and froze the ground. Iida grabbed Todoroki by the back of his shirt and started running toward the out of bounds area. But suddenly, Iida stopped moving. Todoroki had frozen the ends of Iida's engine calves. Todoroki then started to freeze most of Iida's body, immobilizing him.

" Iida has been immobilized! Todoroki advances!" Midnight yelled.

" Todoroki moves onto the finals with even using his flame quirk!" Mic said. 

" Poor Iida. Now it's Bakugou versus-" 

" Huh? Where's Kaori?"

In the ring

" AND NOW, BAKUGOU VS. SHIMURA! Bakugou's vicious rushes are unstoppable!" Mic announced as the two were fighting. She flipped out of the way as Bakugou tried to hit her with a blast. 

" DIE LOSER!" He yelled. She landed on the ground, sliding across it. She couldn't handle his brutal attacks anymore. They didn't get her close enough. She needed his puppet. She reached in her pouch, searching for his puppet. Her eyes widened. She searched all her pockets on her belt. It was gone. His puppet was gone. 

" Where are your little dolls now, Voodoo?" Bakugou asked. She growled, angry at herself for not being prepared and for his taunting. She ran forward, but was suddenly blown away from where she was. She stopped before she was out of bounds and shook her head a few times. And here I thought I was going to enjoy a real fight.

" Don't tell me you're tired, VooDoo! C'mon! FIGHT ME! PUT YOUR ALL INTO IT!!" He yelled. She stood up, wiping the blood off her lip.

" Fine."

Most people in the audience gasped, surprised by how she looked. Her hair was torn down from it's normal state and she put on a weird smile. One that Bakugou's. Like she knew she was going to win.

" Let's have a real fight." She said, smirking as she started walking forward. She was going slow, saving her energy. 

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