The Beginning of Hero Work Studies

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Kaori walked out of Heights Alliance elevator, fully dressed in her Hero Costume. She adjusted her sleeve lightly, pulling it as much as she could. A few of her friends waved to her and of course, her dumb dug stopped her before she could leave. She scratched his head lightly, giving him a few belly rubs. Mon gave a happy bark before racing back toward the couch, plopping himself on Bakugou's lap. Bakugou growled lightly. She pointed a finger at him. 

" Blow up my dog, I obliterate your face." She warned, locking eyes with him in a starring contest. She left Heights Alliance after the contest ended with her losing and cursing, seeing her Father hanging upside down from the roof of Heights Alliance. 

" Who are you, Spider-Man? I'm looking for Eraserhead." She joked, poking his forehead. He jumped down from the roof, summoning his scarf back. The two walked out of 1A grounds in silence. As soon as the gates closed, it was a contest of speed. He began running a marathon don UA's hill, leaving her to trail behind. 

" NO USING YOUR QUIRK!! YOU'VE GOTTA LEARN TO BE FAST, EVEN WITHOUT IT!!" He called back to her, already nearing the halfway point. She began trailing after him, pushing her legs to move like hell. Once they'd reached the bottom, he leapt to the nearest building and began booking it across rooftops. She looked around, quickly catching sight of a fire escape. She hoisted herself up, maneuvering her body as she climbed railings. She made it to the roof in less than 5 minutes, but Aizawa was a good 5 buildings ahead. She ran across the roof-tops, being careful before she jumped alleys. Eventually, she caught up to a certain point where she could see what turns he was making and what moves he used to jump. His scarf caught onto a water-tower, forcing him higher into the sky as he scored another building. Fuck not using a Quirk. I'm using my resources. She turned on her Quirk, putting both of her hands together before shooting toward the top of the building, passing over it as her Father jumped off. They landed on the next building at the same time, each booking it to the next. Soon enough, they stopped. 

" What do you see?" He asked, his face scanning the other side of the building. She looked over the streets, watching people pass by. She spent about 3 minutes watching people's lives play out before catching sight of someone flashing a gun as they walked into a small store. 

" Somebody armed just walked into Miku's." She said, leaning closer over the building. 

" Follow me. Be silent and be quick." He spoke in a stern tone, one she'd never heard. It was different from a teaching tone, it was much more serious. She trailed after him, each step blending in with the sound of the wind. They moved toward the ground, now standing in the alley beside it. 

" What do you hear?" He asked, gripping onto his scarf. She put her ear against the wall, touching it lightly. 

" Everybody to the back of the store and keep quiet! You, you're gonna empty out that register and hand over the cash, got it? If not, you're gonna have a whole in that pretty head of yours." 

" They're threatening the cash register. He's telling everyone to get to the back of the store. What should we do?" She asked, turning back towards him. 

" Head to the back and break the lock. Get everybody out and keep them at a safe distance. I'll handle the guy inside. Once you're done with the hostages, head to the front and keep anybody from going inside." He instructed, already heading toward the end of the alley. As much as she wanted to join him and keep him from hurting himself, she knew following orders would help him more. She nodded, moving toward the back of the alley. She moved against the wall, inspecting the lock. She broke it just within her palm, opening the door silently. She walked through the storage room, making her way into the store quickly. She found her way through the curtain, coming face to face with the hostages, either frozen with fear or muffling their cries. She counted them quickly, making sure to keep their number.

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