Here's The Run-Down

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The beginning was always quiet, too quiet. If it was known what was in store maybe both sides would've tred a little more carefully, and a little less blood would've been spilled.

Like waking up from a terrible dream, the heroes put on a stoic look as acid crawled along their tongues, seeping into the back of their throats before bubbling on the surface of their stomach. The suspense might as well have chocked them as they piled together in one room, from local heroes to the Top 5. And a UA student. 

Kaori stood alongside Aizawa, even if they weren't on the best of terms. It was made evident to Kaori that Aizawa was no longer sentimental to Tenko, as it was made clear to Aizawa Kaori was becoming corrupted by the thought of saving a villain. Hell, Kaori wouldn't even look at him, much less her classmates. As Aizawa glanced down at his daughter he couldn't really see the happy girl he used to know. Everybody held a heroic expression on their face but Kaori wasn't holding anything. 

The look on her face, Aizawa thought to himself as he glanced at his partner, watching Yamada spray a liquid into his mouth to help his vocals. He saw it again when he looked at Kaori's downturned eyes, dark and dangerously ambitious. Isn't the same look as my daughter.

Even Aizawa, who'd known his daughter so well, never knew their thoughts. What a mind they shared, divided like Kaori's own hair. The only thing that might've connected between Kaori and this other persona of the Omen Vigilante was their wish for Tenko. Soon, we'll be together, and we can forget this whole mess, Kaori and Omen thought simultaenously. 

The Heroes around her seemed to stretch and prep, equally suspecting that the fight approaching was just seconds away. Even before such a battle that was to come there had to be a power-point presentation. 

Standing in front of a large screen was Detective Tsukauchi with a number of police officers lining the walls, awaiting instruction alongside the heroes. Straightening his papers, Tsukauchi brought the room to a hush, the board above flashing to life. An old man with a mustache appeared on the screen, collected information as well as pictures of orphanages and nursing homes displayed by his picture. On the front, he appeared like any other pediatrician. 

" So this is the monster? All For One's most trusted servant?" Locklock said a couple of people in front of her, clicking his tongue in annoyance as he folded his arms across his chest.

" He engineered the nomu abomination." Mandalay said from another corner of the room, disgust escaping at the very word nomu. The two other Pussycats grimaced, noses wrinkling at just the mention of the monster. 

" You're certain he's the one to blame?" Endeavor questioned, reading through the information that made him appear a saint, building and funding the numerous places for the elderly and the abandoned children. 

" I sent someone in undercover after recieving information from the safety commission." Tsukauchi explained, watching the glint in Endeavor's eyes darken. 

Locklock spoke up, sounding a little more annoyed, " You didn't send in that Omen guy, did you? Far as one of us knows, he ain't a hero." 

" No, we've been struggling to even identify his motives as a vigilante, much less figure out an address. We sent in one of our own to pose as a doctor working in one of his hospitals. He found a restricted area within the hospital, even the regular stuff didn't know what it was used for." Tsukauchi explained, bringing the initial topic back to the conversation. Kaori's gaze darkened a shade as Omen peered through her eyes, squinting at Locklock in annoyance.

" The illicit section of the hospital only has one entrance through the morgue. Dr. Garaki is the only one that crosses in and out. From our man inside, we were able to identify him as the "creator" of the bioenginered nomu through this image taken," Tsukauchi clicked a button, an image of Garaki appearing across the screen, his back turned as he seemed to bend down towards a miniature nomu. " It'll be easy to arrest the Doctor since he's a public figure, but any rash actions might trigger the presence of the Paranormal Liberation Front."

" If they inact countermeasures we might see a repeat of Hosu or Kamino, and we don't want that when there are UA students present with us. We were able to apprehend All For One but it came at the coast of widespread trauma to the public, and the loss of too many good heroes, including All Might's retirement." Tsukauchi reflected, the news replaying to the Heroes as they remembered first experiencing or hearing about the devasatation, to cities, people, and their number one. Kaori picked at her hand softly, feeling a little drill gnaw and carve at her stomach. They were stirring inside and Kaori could only imagine being face to face with her brother. He would comply for me, wouldn't he? 

Kaori scathed her palm, feeling her nails drag across her skin in slow movements, revealing red prints before they faded away with her next stroke. For a home together, to be with each other, he would. We've both risked so much to be with each other, now,

Pros acted together, forming themselves into a mass squad of muscle and power. While they listened to Tsukauchi, Kaori scratched her palm, feeling the pain start to seep into her skin, ignoring it as the peace from anxiety took over. Now,

" If we don't act now, they will prevail! The doctor," Tsukauchi's words seemed to partially reach Kaori's ears, blipping in and out. Now, " His pets-"

" Shigaraki,"


" Every villain must fall." 

Tenko, we're about to meet. Prove Chichi wrong.

The Pro Heroes moved in sync as they appeared before Jaku Hospital. Kaori's skin was tingling as her eyes appeared star-struck. In such an odd, spiritual sense, she felt her brother. It was so faint but his presence was powerful, as if he were a bomb about to blow. As the Heroes made their move into the hospital, Mirko was given orders to go straight to the morgue and Mandalay had advised surrounding paitients and civilians to evacuate. As Kaori took the slightest step forward, a hand held her shoulder back, distracting her from the odd sixth sense.

Aizawa looked down at her with a stern look, even the glare was evident through the crease of his brow, " Help evacuate out here, and don't leave. Remember the consequences." 

Kaori's teeth clenched together as she bit back a snarky remark, giving her own glare as he marched forward with the other Pros, Mic by his side. Kaori stomped her foot on the grount, feeling the string of common sense unwind, dare threaten to snap. Be paitient, Omen whispered through her voice's conscious. Our power can still provide us information.

Kaori's hand twitched, two fingers tapping together, the sounds of the hospital enhancing. She heard the shuffling on covers moving with a body, the clanking of rolling carts pushed by padded feet. Kaori listened intently as she warned the residence in the lobby, guiding them towards the door as pros flew from the halls, hospital beds being carried out over them. Evacuating another group of people, Kaori felt the ground shift beneath her, the echo of frustrated talking appearing. Feeling the ground tremble a little more, she looked down, seeing cracks appearing by her feet. 


Kaori shot back, flying through the air as a drill appeared under the ground. What the hell? They should've apprehended the doctor by now! Drills seemed to connect to colorful muscely bodies, revealing hideous nomus. Kaori dived back toward the ground, keeping an eye on the hallway as she dodged one drill, gliding an open hand across one Nomu's face, watching him corrupt from the inside out. 

The sound of footsteps and machinery came from the beneath the hallway, a voice muttering indistinctly as he traveled from one place to another. Then came the shrill squeaks of Nomu and the buzzing of their Quirks. 

Mandalay rushed into the building, seeing Kaori at the middle of it all, Nomus racing towards her position in the room. 

" KAORI MOVE-" Mandalay cried as Pros rushed in behind her, only to watch the girl vanish before her eyes, a breeze flying towards the others and giving a soft toss to Mandalay's bob. Holding a paw to her ear, she alerted the others with fear,

" Shimura has vanished from the lobby!"

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