It's Getting Good~

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Bakugou awoke the next morning, not in the dark room, but strapped to a seat, a large metal box trapping his hands. Before him was the League of Villains. He looked at his surroundings briefly. It wasn't the secret hideout he expected. Just a cramped, dingy bar, barely big enough for them all. While observing his surroundings, he noticed Kaori was missing. He looked back at the villains, keeping silent as he glared at them harshly. Two were missing amongst the villains.


Kaori, unaware of anything, but her dreams, was being entranced into a peaceful sleep, courtesy of Kuromi Kurosawa. Kuromi's spell was centered at the girl's mind, travelling down her body as to give it messages to stay asleep. From beside Kuromi, Shigaraki watched his sister's face intently.

" None of this will harm her, correct?" He asked, sparing no glance toward the witch beside him. She shook her head, having words appear before them.

" This spell is supposed to calm her. A nice dream for a long sleep." Shigaraki read from thin air, humming after he spoke. Kuromi spared a glance at him, looking at his stern face. He was thinking, but what about? New words appeared in the air. 

" I can forge a spell that'll allow her to know whenever you're in trouble. It'll be more like a 6th sense or an intuition rather than a Quirk. Hm...alright, but it can't cause her any trouble. Just chills or something like that." He said, sounding more stern as he went on with his command. She nodded. She stepped away from the girl, beginning the incantation mid-air. Once it was down, she drew her arm back before slicing a hand straight through it. She took the separated incantation, forging it into two. She placed one a Shigaraki's forehead and one on Kaori's. She kept her palms open to the two spells, lines like lightning beginning to form and move toward each other. Soon, the lightning connected, sending a strange shiver through Shigaraki's body. As the spell finished, Kuromi clicked her fingers, ceasing it almost immediately. 

" You're needed in the other room." The words began to form in mid-air.

" Are you trying to tell me you don't want me here?" Shigaraki asked, turning toward her. 

" Yes." Shigaraki glared at her as the simple word appeared in front of him.

" I could kill you, you know." He said, holding up a hand. 

" But, you won't. I'm your strongest asset and you're only hope of connecting with Shimura." Her words appeared between the two, the girl's face moving to look at Shigaraki with zero expression. He mocked her silently, turning away. 


When Shigaraki and the Witch girl walked back in, Bakugou's eyes were immediately trained on them. It didn't take much to figure out they were with Kaori and doing who knows what. He watched as the witch girl stood at the corner of the room, farther from must others, while Shigaraki sat at the bar. They watched as the Press Conference started, listening intently as Eraser Head spoke. Soon enough, Shigaraki got bored and finally decided to speak. He shut off the TV, turning to Bakugou.

" Well, isn't that strange? The heroes are becoming the bad guys? Seems like they're not dealing with this too well. So much criticism, but everyone makes a mistake or two, you know? It's not like they're perfect." Shigaraki said. Bakugou looked at the villains surrounding them, weighing the pros and cons of dealing with this on his own and getting both him and Kaori out. Each result was answered the same. He couldn't save himself, fight them, and save Kaori.

" A Hero only cares about money and glory in this current system. And since society buys in to those pathetic rules. Anyone deemed a loser is shoved aside like waste from your dinner plate. So, we want to ask you a few minor questions. What is a Hero? What is justice? Is society really fair? Soon, everybody will be asking and that's when we've won. And you like winning, don't you, Bakugou?" Shigaraki questioned, narrowing his eyes at the explosive boy. Bakugou stayed silent as he glared death at them. Silence passed for a few minutes. 

" Dabi. Let him go." Shigaraki commanded. 

" You know he's gonna fight." Dabi said, turning toward the cyan-haired idiot. Shigaraki waved his hand at Dabi, giving a light tone as he spoke.

" We're recruiting him, we should treat him as our equal. Besides, he's smart enough to know he can't take us all at once and save Kaori." Hearing Shigaraki use Kaori's name, as if he was on first-name basis with her, almost made him growl. Dabi looked at the angered kid before looking at the room of idiots. 

" Hey, Twice. You do it." Dabi said. 

" Sure thing! Hell nah, man!" Twice said. Dabi looked to the other capable individual in the room. 

" Hey, Witchy. You-" Dabi said, turning to look at the woman in the corner, but she had fallen asleep standing. It was quiet for a moment before Dabi reverted back to Twice. 

" Do it." Dabi said, looking at Twice beside him once more. Surprisingly enough, Bakugou didn't show much resistance, allowing Twice to do with a calm face. That didn't last long. As soon as all of his restraints were gone, Twice was blasted away from him as Bakugou was ready to fight. As soon as Twice was out of his way, Bakugou blasted Shigaraki dead in the face. The sudden noise sent a jolt through Kaori, the witch's spell fading. She breathed in heavily, trying to calculate what was happening. The next moments were filled with muffled screams and silent responses. She felt a weird pain in her face and a strange feeling of fear lurching in her heart. 

" Kai-chan~" Kaori grasped her head, shaking it lightly. She looked around the dimly lit room, seeing nobody, but herself. Bakugou's bed was empty and the spell that once held her down had ceased. 

" Mako." She looked around the room again, searching for the deep voice. They can't be here. It's impossible. Am I...I'm going insane...No. No, it's just paranoia. The imaginary audience. Some psychological hallucination that triggers the mind's fears. They're not here.

" Ori-chan," Hearing Tenko's voice, the tears that began to sprout began to fall slowly. No, they're not here. I'm alone. Bakugou's gone. We're in the League of Villains base. We're separated. We're alone. Nobody's here. " I am here."

" SMASH!!!" All Might's voice briefly made it past the iron door. She looked up abruptly, listening intently. The brief, distant shouts of people and the panic of the villains gave her the curiosity to stand and walk toward the door. She listened, almost making it to the door before a sick feeling began to rise. She held her mouth, trying to force down the acidic liquid, but to no avail, a sickly liquid erupted from her throat, engulfing her in it. She felt her feet fall from under her, quickly catching herself as she hit the ground. The grey liquid finally ended, giving her time to breath. She couched, spitting out the last of the liquid. She looked up, squeezing an eye shut as tears brimmed her eyes again. 

" My apologies, children." She looked up at the voice, seeing a man with a tubed mask in front of her. She glanced to the side, seeing Bakugou there beside her. 

" Master..." She heard Shigaraki's raspy voice say from behind her. His voice is very unsettling. 

" So, you've failed once more, Tomura. But you shouldn't be discouraged. You will try again, hence why I've brought your associates with you. Even the children, whom you judged as important pieces on your game board." The person spoke, walking past her and Bakugou. Bakugou briefly looked down at her, keeping the glare on his face. 

" Did Witchy do anything?" He asked quietly. She shook her head, moving slowly as to stand on her feet. She looked at him briefly, clenching her teeth as they shared a glance. 

" What's going on..?" She asked in a hoarse voice. Though she couldn't feel it, she was shaking, ever so slightly. She was scared, horrified at what was happening. Their surroundings resembled every apocalypse, alien war movie after the big fight. It was demolished and crumpled into nothing. 

" Start over as many times as you need. I am here for you. All of this, is for you." The Masked Man spoke, taking a small pause in between his last sentence. There was silence amongst them for just a few seconds until a sudden rush of air washed over the battle scene. All Might was here and ready to fight. 



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