Go For It

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" We'll only have a few minutes to truly talk, so I'll be quick," All For One said, still smiling at her. Kaori registered the words in her head for a moment, thinking what he could mean. Truly talk? What does he mean by truly talk? Why do we only have a few minutes. " Prepare yourself Kaori. I'm sensing a very dangerous change in the atmosphere. I cannot tell, however, if it is meant for you, All Might's successor, or Tomura. But then again, maybe it is a change in the person."

" What are you saying? What's going to happen to my brother?" She demanded, standing from her seat suddenly. All For One chuckled again, letting out a few amused ooh's.

" Please, Kaori. I understand your frustration. Nobody understands Tomura like we do. Nobody can care for him like you do. I mean, you're risking your chances of being a Hero for your brother. If you ask me, that seems like a Hero. When doing the right thing can hide in wrong decisions. You're a mature one Kaori, you understand what must be done." All For One was a strange one. He wasn't easy to understand, but at the same time, he made it so you understood. You could see it in Kaori's eyes she was searching for more. More reason, more response.

" Unbeknownst to you, my dear, you're caught between a very big fight. Izuku Midoriya is All Might's successor and your friends are his allies. Tomura is my protege, the League of Villains and the Underground are his allies. But what about Kaori Shimura? She is torn between the two; family vs. friends. You cannot escape the inevitable betrayal. If there was something you could do, would you change that fate? If there is a chance," All For One's face lost it's smile and he became all too serious. He talked to her like she was a minion of his, like in all seriousness, this was a mission that had to be carried out. If not, the world would end. " Go for it." At that moment, guards burst into the room, as well as Tsukauchi and Gran Torino.

" Miss Aizawa, for your safety, I believe it's best you return to UA." Tsukauchi warned, walking forward as she turned to look at the commotion around her. She nodded, picking up her stuff, looking at All For One briefly. She swung the strap over her shoulder, turning her back to All For One. Gran Torino watched her leave the room with Tsukauchi before approaching the glass that separated him from the old time villain. All For One smiled at him.

" Gran Torino-" All For One began to greet, but the old-timer cut in before the master of evil could begin any of his manipulative speeches.

" You leave that girl alone, ya hear me? She's got enough on her plate and your taunting is only making matters worse. I won't let you destroy her like you did Nana." That was Gran Torino's only warning. The old-timer left the room and the guards followed. All For One gave another sickening smile, giving another chuckle.

" Go for it, Omen."

. . .

The drive back to UA was silent, Kaori trapped in her own thoughts. Go do it, he said. What does go do it mean? She starred out the window, brows knotted in confusion as the places outside the window came and passed. Tsukauchi sparred a glance at the girl, looking from the road to her. He was genuinely curious about what she thought. Back when he was young, he remembered his time in the Shimura case. He'd seen the backyard and he'd seen the door open. He knew she saw the murder and to be so young, he didn't think she'd remember much of it. When realizing, however, just what happened after Kamino, he was suddenly unsure if what she thought was anywhere close to his guesses.

" So, what's up with the hair?" He asked. Kaori looked at him unexpectedly, before looking back out the window.

" I don't know. It's got something to do with my Quirk." She said, her voice lower than usual. Tsukauchi gave a hum, letting the silence take up the car. Like any teenager, she probably wouldn't tell Aizawa or Yamada any of this. Replaying the names in his head, he tapped his fingers on the wheel, unsure if he should ask.

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