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*really long chapter ahead

Previously on...The Secrets

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" Prepare yourself. There is a dangerous change in the atmosphere,"

Darkness towered over them, Monoma's face falling in confusion.

" I cannot tell, however, if it is meant for you, All Might's successor, or Tomura,"

Kaori's hands stopped twitching, her mouth hanging open in horror.

" But then again, " "maybe it is a change in the person."

. . .

It all happened so quick, but everybody could feel the same emotions upon seeing the catastrophe. Nobody knew exactly what happened other than Midoriya and All Might. Not even Kaori could decipher what might've happened. Midoriya had jumped into the air, holding onto the silence as to not fail, ready to aim straight for Monoma. Maybe that boy knew something like this would happen, or maybe he expected Midoriya to snap at him, then he could brainwash the boy. Whatever so, Monoma did not move, not until that thing appeared. Dark, ebony tentacles with strange hues of green. They were unpredictable, catastrophic; they didn't belong to Midoriya. Darkness spread over the area considering the size it grew. Every moment Midoriya spent trying to control it, it only became more ravenous with a thirst to grow it's power. Monoma ran, but with no control over his body, Midoriya fell in his direction. His arm swung limply with the power controlling his movement. All of sudden, it grew three times it's size and began shooting toward Monoma. He was lucky enough to dodge before one of the tentacles tripped him and sent him hurtling in the other direction. Kaori slapped herself, forcing her feet to move. She appeared out of the darkness, taking the sky-view and following Midoriya's path. He'd reached his leg up to try and redirect his arm, but it only did so much as to aggravate the unknown power. It threw itself, as well as Midoriya, into a building, crashing right through. Kaori slid down the pipes and walls, making her way closer to where he'd crashed.

Before she could go in to even see if he was still there, the tentacles shot straight for her, throwing her body out of the building. She landed on the ground beneath with a harsh thud, the breath in her lungs evaporating. She shot up, wheezing for air, holding her shoulder lightly. The ebony substance grew another size too big, nearly spreading over the majority of the ground. She watched as Midoriya flew over her, straight into another building. She stood up, racing off towards where he'd flown, trying to conceal her thoughts. What's happening? What Quirk is this, is this apart of One For All? All For One, did you know about this? Was this the new atmosphere? Kaori flew over a few pipes, a worried expression breaking out onto her face. Midoriya's not fine. It's the new atmosphere! He didn't know who it was meant for, what if it's all three of us? This tentacle thing. What's going to happen to my Brother? What's going to happen to me?! Kaori finally came to a clear spot, close enough to where she could see Midoriya and was just able to dodge the ebony substance.

She moved forward, scrunching up her face into a scowl, dodging what she could. A tentacle shot right for her and on instinct, she took hold of it. With all five fingers. The substance writhed and twitched in her grasp before vanishing into thin air. She gaped at the result before moving forward, taking hold of the tentacles and using them to propel herself forward. Midoriya's body was still being tossed around in the air, and in his mind, it was all pain. All he could think of was that his body would explode or that his arm was so numbed, it'd fall right off.

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