With Villains

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A Few Days After Kamino


" I'd stab you, just out of spite, but there'd be no joyous feeling tied to it." Toga said, raising her knife as her eyes narrowed at the bipolar-mess-of-a-man that was her friend. She thought Twice was great, they were good buddies, but UNO was war. Sure, they were Villains. Ruthless, Chaotic, No-Good-Friend material, but they were also a league of idiots who had no core motive at the moment so they did the average past-the-time things. That consisted of UNO and a lot of other games and challenges. Dabi groaned, laying down his cards as Compress congratulated his buddy while simultaneously trying to calm down his psycho colleague. Spinner stood, leaving the group with no tolerance for the next round. Kuromi Kurosawa walked over to the group, giving a brief wave to the lizard. Toga, noticing her friend, had a change in mood, popping off the ground and leaping into the arms of her friend. She snuggled her face into the woman's chest, smiling a mile a minute as a blush accompanied her features. 

" Hey, Witchy~!! How was your nap, did you rest good? Wanna go on a midnight-kill with me~?" Toga asked, looking up at her friend. Kuromi pat the girl's head, but shook her own. Toga frowned, adding a whine. 

" Ah~! I was so looking forward to having some fun tonight~! Do you think Shiggy will do it with me? Probably not, he's a real party-pooper." Toga said, biting the inside of her lip as she pondered to her self. Big Sis Mag stood, giving a smile as she offered her hand. 

" Why don't I go with you? I'm not a fan for killing with no reason, but I could use a nice stroll." She offered, leaning onto her staff of rock. Toga shot up, prancing over to her friend before the two strolled out of the building, talking about the random-est of things. Kuromi Kurosawa looked at the scarred boy. She pointed to him before motioning for him to follow. He groaned, mumbling curses before standing, trudging after her as she began to walk away. 

" Oh~! DO I HEAR FUTURE WEDDING BELLS?! Oh, please, they're no good together." Twice said, waving his hand at the idea of the two villains together. Before Dabi could beat the living shits out of him, Kuromi's lavender magic swirled around his body, dragging him away. She soon let him have his free will, taking the stairs to the roof above their hideout. When they made it there, Dabi finally realized just how windy it was. He glared at the back of the girl's head. 

" Oi, Witchy! What are we doing out here, it's too windy." He complained, walking forward. She stood near the edge of the roof, looking out at the bright city a good 20 miles away. He plopped himself down at the edge, keeping one leg propped up as his coat rustled in the wind, the breeze hitting his scars lightly. She looked down at him before slowly taking a seat herself, sitting on her knees. She looked at him, with pondering eyes, scanning his features. He continued to look ahead. 

" You starring is weird. Stop that." He said. Words appeared in the air before him, his mind quickly reading the message. Do you remember the name Kurosawa?

" Yeah, that's you. Kira Kurozawa." He said, scratching at his cheek lightly. Her hand quickly grabbed his wrist, putting him on alert and many irritation levels. 

" You better hope you don't end up with burns like mine after this." He threatened. She ignored him, words appearing in the air again. 

Kuromi Kurosawa, plus, that's not what I meant. 

Her hand let go of his softly, reaching to his cheek. He swatted her hand away, sneering at her. 

" What are you getting at, Witchy?" He scowled as her hand retreated to her own body, her eyes looking back at the city. New words appeared before them. 

The Family Name. Kurosawa. Do you know it? 

Dabi looked over the sentence as it wavered in the air, disappearing slowly. There was silence between the two. Had he known the Family Name Kurosawa, yes, but his suspicions were bad impulses. This wasn't her. She lived far away from the life he was apart of. 

" Touya...Todoroki.." The words that slipped through her mouth made him tense. She'd spoken, outwardly spoken. His head whipped toward her, eyes wary with suspicion and rage. Her slender finger was pointing at him, eyes locking onto his. 

" What the hell's with you, Witchy? First, you pry into my business, you try to touch me, AND NOW YOU SAY THAT NAME?! HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT NAME?! HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S ME?!" He yelled, standing to his feet as he backed away from her and lit his palms with fire. She looked at him with a blank stare before standing, walking towards him briskly. He flew a burst of flames at her, to which she blocked with a simple spell, continuing her stride. She forced a finger to his chest, a harsh stare coloring her face. 

" Touya Todoroki," She spoke, confidently, before pointing to her chest. " Kuromi Kurosawa." She pointed her finger between the two, confusing Dabi as he straightened his posture.
" Friends." What were the chances? Same first name, same age? There was only one difference. 

His Friend

 His Kuromi

 Was Quirkless

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