Family Reunion

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Shigaraki stood there awkwardly as he revealed his identity. When Twice had returned the other night from missing the entire day, Toga was immediately on his back. The others were worried just as much, but they were villains. They didn't show actual affection towards each other. Kuromi and Toga, however, were being the girls they were and caring about his whereabouts. That's when he mentioned he'd run into his sister. She was patrolling as a Hero when she approached him on the building and began talking to him. He even brought Mochi that she had bought for them and even Dabi was up for that. That's when he mentioned her going to the Hassaikai that day and Shigaraki was all over meeting his baby-sister and having a real conversation with her. So, when she appeared in the washed up part of the Hassaikai, he didn't waste his time. What'd he do? Cryptically introduced himself. Kaori stood in a lazy fighting position, a mixture of fear and terror on her face. He smiled weakly, shrugging lightly.

" A little late to say, Hi, I'm your Big Brother ?" He joked, trying to distract her from the tension between them. In reality, he was more trying to distract himself from the awkward situation. Kaori's breath quickened as her eyes flashed between the memory of the little boy and the sight of the villain. He sighed heavily, dropping his arms to his sides. He didn't plan on winning her over, but it hurt like hell to see her so...terrified? Traumatized? Both, most likely. 

" Ori-chan, I-" Before Shigaraki could even begin an apology, a pair of arms wrapped around him, sending him into silence. He shuddered out a breath as he looked down, seeing a head of mismatched hair. Kaori's tears welled up fast and flowed even faster, her sobs stuck in her heart as she relished in the relief of no longer being alone in the pain she was subjugated to. Shigaraki hugged her back, wary of possibly destroying her. He caressed her head lightly before hugging her back after a moment of realization. He finally had his family. He hugged her tightly, his own tears beginning to well and pour. They stood in silence, relief, and guilt. They were together.

" Koko..." She whispered silently, a hiccup escaping after. He nodded his head, leaning it against her lightly. 

" I-" Before he could say another word, Kaori pushed herself off of him, worrying the shits out of him. He looked at his hands, then her, but she wasn't dying. Her fists were balled up tightly and her hair was a mess. Her breathing was heavy and he could feel the rage pouring from her shadow. 

" You could've come to me....I-i would've helped.." She put a hand to her chest, tapping it as she forced herself to speak clearly. 

" I found could've come with m-me...but you ran..!" She said, breathing out harshly as she tried to control the tears. 

" I was 7. I killed our family. Did you expect me to show you my masterpiece of homicide?" He asked, confused as to why she was angry. He understood she could've been mad at him for killing their family, but why would she be mad he kept her from dying? He ran to protect her. From what he can remember. Kaori's rage didn't cease. 

" You promised....YOU. PROMISED!" She yelled, pointing up as the anger began to pile up. It wasn't just anger she felt so heavily. It was the trauma. The guilt. The anxiety. The terrifying wonder if she was alone in this feeling. Shigaraki came back with a snarky reply. 

" Tenko Shimura promised you. Not Tomura Shigaraki." His words stung like hell-fire and it made her temper worse. She stepped back from him, the ground beginning to crack under her feet. Her fists were no more and instead she grasped the air in a claw motion. They shook with her livid mind. The ceiling above them began to dust, pieces of rock falling on them. 

" Is that who you are now?! I don't care who you are!! Everybody calls you Shigaraki, but you're Tenko! Y-you're Tenko Shimura, my Big Brother. You're my K-koko and you are all that has mattered for the last 13 years of my life!" She screamed, the ceiling above beginning to crack and dust as her knuckles went white. Shigaraki, noticing her power connected to heavy emotions, began to pour out his own secret truths. 

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