The Omen Vigilante

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Another night as a secret Vigilante, keeping the streets safe as she travels all over Japan, isn't quite the dream. Kaori stood atop of a building, the darkness of night covering her easily, her hood swaying back and forth as the chilly wind brushed against her after a second or two of stillness. She buried her face deeper into the spare capture scarf Aizawa had provided her when she was 11. She was specifically only supposed to use it in emergencies and in early December, this seemed like the perfect emergency to use it. Plus, it made traveling across the sky easier. She scanned the streets again, squinting her eyes as people passed. Leads were getting harder and harder. The League was sneaky as fox when it came to staying in the dark. She stood from her perched position on the water tower, jumping down before taking off toward the next building. She walked silently along the edge of the building, balancing herself out easily. She jumped the small gap between buildings, landing without a sweat. She took a few steps before stopping at the sound of snickers and bottles clanking. She turned her head slowly, squinting her eyes into the darkness. That alley was small and didn't lead anywhere but to the gap behind the small market she stood atop of. She snapped her fingers together, her body fading to match the scene around her. She moved toward the small alley, securing her scarf onto the small fire escape before falling over the edge. She held onto her scarf tightly, her foot hitting the wall before bouncing back into the air as she lowered herself further down the wall. She hit the ground in silence, retracting the scarf to her hand. She let the scarf settle around her neck, moving further into the alley with silent steps. A light briefly appeared, showing a man's silhouette outlined by the bright light behind him. Two men stood at the doorway, both in suits and hats. She would've assumed they were normal until one man opened his jacket, the glimmer of a gun strapped to the inside. She moved forward quickly, watching as the man inside stepped aside, allowing the two visitors into the mysterious place. She followed along, waiting till the doorman let go of the handle, following the man quickly. She grabbed a hold of the door softly, sucking in a deep breath as she slipped through the sliver of open space. She backed into the brightly lit hallway, letting the door close slowly. She looked down the hall, blank and empty, lit by the golden, over-head lamps. She walked down the hallway in silence, following closely, yet keeping her own distance. She followed the men through another set of doors, the bright light disappearing. The room was relatively dark, with over-head lamps lighting their designated tables. The lamps had their own intricate designs, their light shining on the faces of those who sat or stood near them. Men took up the majority of the room, women in lavish, outlandish, or eccentric clothing and hats placing themselves on the walls of the room. They looked every bit of the word suspicious. Fancy, Eccentric, Rich individuals. They must be here for some sort of auction. Kaori stayed near the doorway, hiding in the shadowed corner, still invisible to the naked eye. In the front of the room was a stage, curtains hiding whatever expensive offers lied behind there. A few minutes passed, nobody left the room. 15 minutes passed until the light on the stage illuminated brightly, the curtains drawing away as a man stood in the center front. He smiled devilishly before speaking in a charming, smooth voice.

" Hello, Ladies and Gentleman. Hope you're all excited for this month's Lavish Ladies auction! Let's give a hand for our offers before they're yours!" The man said, holding up a hand as spotlights focused on them. A chorus of soft, reserved claps echoed through the room.

" Now, remember, we have very specific rules! What goes on in here, stays in this very room. Any Man or Lady leaks any information, our sharp shooters are finally gonna be put to use!" Kaori's attention spiked drastically at this information. She stood upright, scanning the room. Those sharp-shooters finally came to Kaori's attention. Ten men, tall and broad, held large guns in their hands, unmoving and waiting. The man continued on, " Anybody tries to take another's property will lose his or her chances to participate in the auction and will be set right up here with our offers. Without further ado, light 'em up!" With that, the sounds of heavy clicks and the hum of lights slowly lit up the stage. Kaori's eyes widened at the trouble that brewed before her. Women, barely clothed and chained, stood in a line on the stage. Few children stood with them, but the fact that it was even people people were buying was revolting. This isn't just some auction. This is human trafficking. Kaori stood frozen in the shadows, cemented to the ground with disgust and fear as people began bidding. She took out her phone slowly, holding it up towards the room and stage. She began to video tape it all, looking away a few times. The Human auction lasted another hour and forty-five minutes, but seeing each woman be enslaved and taken away by some buyer felt like another century. She waited till the auction was done, listening to him proclaim their next destination and time. She walked out after everybody was gone, inhaling deeply. She knew she didn't stand a chance at this on her own. She needed help, a plan. She sighed heavily as she jumped back onto the building where she'd first heard the chuckles of disgusting men. There was a small scuff on the roof, footsteps moving toward her. She turned around instantly, coming face to face with the silent wicked witch of the west. She was clearer to see when they had a moment to digest who each other were. She wore that same faded red scarf, a pure black dress coat covering her body. Her eyes were still pale as the moon, her dark hair swirling in the chilly wind. Her magic appeared as words in the air.

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