First Day

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" How did I get separated from them?" Kaori questioned, walking through the woods alone, rubbing her head lightly. One moment, one second she turned away, the next she was flying through the forest, shouts following. She wiped a bit of mud off her face, taking off her blazer afterward. She grumbled lowly, looking around once more. 

" I can't take it. This is stupid." Kaori said, flailing her arms in the arm. She kicked off her shoes, tapping her black leggings and wiping them from life. She took out her small bun, instead the small back part of her hair into a small ponytail. As if almost on cue, mud monsters appeared before her. She cracked her neck, getting down low. She smirked smugly, the ground beneath her beginning to crack. Why does this always happen when I get smug? 

" Alright, you bugs. Let's play." She shot forward, swiping her arm right across one of the monsters as she approached it's stomach. As soon as all five fingers touched that monster, it was gone. From a few miles away, Pixie's tail wagged excitedly. 

" Hey, Eraser, your kid's pretty powerful! She's destroying my little kittens faster than I thought!" Pixie said, tapping his shoulder a few times. 

" Can I see?" Kota asked from below them. Pixie beamed at him, kneeling down. He took the tablet in his hand, watching as a bright red light flashed, three green ones soon disappearing. He tapped a plus button, adding another 20 monsters, at the least. 

" KOTA! SHE'S GONNA BE OUT THERE ALL NIGHT IF YOU KEEP ADDING THEM!!" Pixie said, taking the tablet away as she tried to decrease the added number. 

" If she's so powerful, you should be testing her abilities, not just giving her an easy win." Kota said. Aizawa looked down at the kid, kneeling down briefly. He pat his back. 

" You're smart, kid. You should teach my students." Aizawa said, glancing at him briefly. 

" That's the last thing I want to do." Kota said, crossing his arms tightly. 

" Same here, kid. But if you ever want to give hell to some of these kids, call me." Aizawa said, standing once again before walking off, looking for a place to sleep. Pixie sighed at the chaotic minds of man. Pixie then starred at the screen, taping the minus button only once before water sprayed the tablet, glitching it to death. She gasped sharply, turning to the boy below her only to see him gone. She looked back at the forest, hearing the rumble just briefly. She sweat-dropped. 

" I'm so dead."


Soon enough, Class 1a appeared from the wood, dressed in dirt and scratches. Only moments after they lost Kaori to a crazy mud monster, their attention had been stolen by more mud-monsters, threatening to separate more of them. Luckily, they were able to stay together. 

" Mr. Aizawa...we, uh....we lost your kid.." Mina said, falling to the ground out of exhaustion. 

" Yeah, I know." Aizawa said. 

" So, no death?" Kaminari asked, almost relieved. 

" No, not yet." He answered, gripping his scarf briefly. Kaminari chuckled, giving a small thumbs up before falling with Ashido. 

" My, my! You kittens did REALLY GOOD!! Defeated my little mud babies faster than I imagined! You're all SOOO Great! Especially," Pixie said, prancing around the group of tired teens until she looped her arms around four of the boys. Iida, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya winced, wheezing as they tried to regain breath. 

" It seems like you had quite a bit of experience! I CALL DIBS ON THESE KITTENS!" Pixie-Bob said, lunging forward. 

" THESE KITTENS ARE PERFECT, DON'T YOU THINK?!" Pixie said. Mandalay chuckled, folding her arms across her chest.

" I was just wondering, who's that kid?" Midoriya asked. Pixie loosened her grip, glaring at Kota briefly.

" That's Kota, Mandalay's cousin's son. He lives with us and IS A PAIN IN THE BUTT." She said, yelling the last part. Kota scoffed, rolling his eyes. 

" Don't be shy, Kota. Say hi to everyone. You're gonna be around them for the next week." Mandalay encouraged. Midoriya walked over to Kota, acting as if that child was just a little, innocent boy.

" Hey there. My name's Midoriya. I'm from the UA High School hero course. It's nice to meet you." Midoriya said, holding a hand out. Instead of shaking his hand, Kota punched him in the balls. While Iida was talking about dishonor or whatever, Kota made a remark that worried her.

" The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes." Kota said.

" wannabe?! How old are you, kid?" Iida asked.

" That brat's got spunk." Bakugou said. 

" Yeah, kinda like you." Todoroki said, looking at the blonde. Bakugou went on edge and his head whipped up, looking back at the boy.

" WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! YOU BETTER SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I BLAST YOU ALL THE WAY TO HELL!" Bakugou growled, stomping forward toward the Half N' Half boy who remained unfazed. 

" HEY! Enough playing around. Get your stuff off the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you'll bathe and sleep. Tomorrow your training starts in earnest. You better get a move on." Aizawa announced to his class. As If waking from the dead, Mina shot up, worry present on her face. 

" But, Mr. Aizawa, what about-!" Mina tried, but a sudden rumble erupted from the forest. Most kids looked back, in fear and in surprise. 

" What was that?!" Kaminari and Kirishima exclaimed together. The Pussycats looked behind them, Pixie briefly having an idea of what could've made that sound. She backed away from the forest, chuckling nervously. Suddenly, a wind rushed past the class, the trees parting as a figure rolled out of the forest. Kaori appeared, sprawled out across the ground. 

" Kaori?" Aizawa asked. She shot up suddenly, climbing onto Pixie's back and slapping her head multiple times. 

" PIXIE, YOU CONNIVING CAT!! I NEARLY DROWNED IN MUD!! I ALMOST WIPED THIS FOREST FROM EXISTENCE BECAUSE YOU SENT 40 FREAKING MONSTERS AT ME AT. THE. SAME. TIME!!! WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!!!" Kaori asked as she continuously abused the cat. Bakugou burst out laughing, practically falling to the ground. Kaori's head whipped toward him, her left eye twitching. Before Kaori could obliterate him next, Aizawa captured her in his capture scarf. 

" Girls, would you please take Kaori?" Aizawa asked, turning to the girl's of Class 1a. They nodded, moving toward her cautiously. Tsu, however, walked forward, giving a small smile to the girl. As if something changed in Kaori, the girl smiled, releasing her hand and carefully patting the small girl's head. 

" Hi, Tsu! Mind helping me?" Kaori asked, tilting her head to the side. 

" Not at all! I can lend you a pair of shoes when we get back to UA." Tsu said as the capture scarf loosened around Kaori. Kaori simply smiled, walking and chatting with Tsu as they went to change. Soon enough, all 1a girls joined in, all in a brighter mood. The boys were terrified. 

" Why are girls so scary?"

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