Endeavor's Agency

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The new year was here. In the previous year, Kaori Shimura faced many unexpected changes, both good and bad. It was almost unbelievable how much had happened, yet here she stood, 16 years old and restarting her Hero Work Study. Kaori wrapped beige scarf around her neck, securing it in her coat before adjusting her bag's strap. Despite all that had happened in just the previous months, Kaori wasn't going to let it stop her from moving forward with her life. Although, she didn't want to forget it either. Kaori slid the bamboo door shut, the smell of incense filling her lungs. She knelt before Naomi's altar, praying and wishing for the woman's peaceful after-life. She let her hands fall to her lap as she starred at the woman's smiling face. This picture of her was nothing compared to her real features.

" It feels so unreal," She spoke slowly, exhaling a slow sigh. " I honestly didn't expect to make it so far. I'll be graduating my first year at UA in just 4 months." Silence, a depressing silence, filled the room as Kaori fought for words to escape her lips.

" I'm dating this boy, Bakugou. You probably wouldn't have remembered, but I fought him at the Sports Festival. He's a little outspoken, I'm not sure you would've liked him much." She chuckled, only thinking what it would be like if Naomi had ever met Bakugou. Another period of silence passed, leaving Kaori unsettled.

" I'll be going, Naomi. I love you." She spoke solemnly, standing from her position before leaving the room. She walked through the walls of the small apartment, taking her Hero Costume's Case as she secured the straps of her bag.

" Not so fast, Listener!" She turned, smiling for a moment as she saw Hizashi dragging an exhausted looking Aizawa to the front door. He quickly enveloped her into a hug, plastering a big smile on his face. He stepped back, brushing bits of his long, blond hair back as Aizawa gave the girl a smile, hugging her sleepily.

" Be good, learn as much as you can. You're not hiding Mon in your bag, are you?" He teased, stepping away a moment. 

" Nope. Mon is just sleeping that's all. I'll see you in a week." She assured, giving him one last hug. Hizashi joined the hug, squeezing tightly before releasing her.

" Call every day!" He waved as she opened the door, stepping outside of it.

" How about every other day? Bye, Dads!" She called, closing the door with a final wave. She walked out of the apartment complex she lived in, making her way down the street in silence. She was a given a few stares, perhaps because of her hair or her uniform, but she did not mind. She was just hoping that doing a Work Study with Endeavor wasn't going to be complete shit. As she neared the bus-stop, she slipped out her phone from her pocket, pulling up Masaki's contact. She should've notified Masaki the previous day, but she'd completely forgotten between having Eri for a sleep-over and doing more research on Deika City. A few minutes strolled by before the bus pulled up, screeching to a stop before opening it's doors to her. She stepped onto the bus, paying the small amount she needed to board before looking over the not-so crowded bus. Midoriya and Bakugou had already been seated, farther back and much more calmly than expected. Midoriya waved to her as Bakugou, being Bakugou, gave a grunt as he crossed his arms. She took the seat open next to Bakugou, flashing a smile at them both.

" Ready for Endeavor's Agency?"

" Yes." " Whatever." " Kacchan, don't be mean-" " I'M NOT MEAN-"

" Sometimes I can't tell if you're friends or enemies."

.  .  .

" Welcome to the Endeavor Agency!"

The Power Squad stood before the Number 1 Hero of Japan in the bright, open space, their expressions contrasting with each other. Bakugou sported a rather uninterested look, Midoriya appeared surprised and in awe, Todoroki was neutral as per usual, and Kaori was some-what glaring, but kept an expressionless look with it. " I can't believe I have to train you."

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