The Unavailing of a Long-Awaited Truth

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Kaori watched as All Might was kept in mid-air, both of his fists held by All For One's hands. Rushes of wind ran around the wasted area of debris. Kaori put an arm in front of her, shielding her eyes from the bits of dust and rock that flew around them. As the two were trapped in that stance, both powers grew before they separated from each other, causing too big a gust of wind. The League of Villains, as well as the two students, were sent hurtling backwards. 
A swirl of dust covered the area around them as Kaori failed to catch her breath.

" It's only 5 kilometres from the bar to here, but it was at least 30 seconds when I sent to the Nomus did you arrive. You've gotten weaker, it seems." All For One said, shaking his hand lightly as if to insult him by saying, that was nothing.

" You're one to talk. It's kind of difficult to ignore that fancy life-support mask you've got there. Aren't you overexerting yourself?" All Might asked, standing to his feet again with a nasty scowl. Kaori propped herself on her forearms, holding her head lightly as she coughed. He held All Might back...with his bare hands? I don't ever think I could erase one of his smashes from existence. 

" I won't repeat the mistake I made 5 years ago. I will take Young Bakugou and Young Shimura back. And I will make certain you're locked up for the rest of your sad life. RIGHT ALONG WITH YOUR DESPICABLE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS!" All Might announced, a mean look in his eyes as he charged forward. All For One said, casting a hand out toward All Might. 

" Ah, yes. Young Shimura. Must've been quite a shock to you, hm? She's rather beautiful, isn't she? Just like her Grandmother, Nana Shimura." Kaori's eyes widened at the name. Nana...Shimura? What does he know about my family...? WHO THE HELL IS NANA SHIMURA?! All Might reared his arm back as All For One's sleeve grew, a strange shooting from it and stopping All Might as he came so close to destroying him. All Might was shot back out of the immense force, crashing into a few buildings on his way. Bakugou sat up, looking at Kaori as she was finally able to catch her breath. 

" You ok?" He asked, coughing from the newly added dust. She gave a thumbs up, sitting up to look at him. The two looked around as the dust cleared, finally catching sight of this All For One, looking forward. Their eyes followed, simultaneously widening at what was before them. 

" ALL MIGHT!!" They screamed together, watching what had happened.

" Don't you fret," All For One gained their attention, turning to look at them.
" It'll take more than that to kill him, unfortunately." The two began to stand at this note, keeping their eyes focused on the boss villain. 

" Tomura, get off the battlefield and take the children with you." All For One turned away from them, stretching out his hand as strange tentacles appeared from his fingers, piercing the body of the Warp villain. 

" Kurogiri. Warp them away." All For One commanded. 

" Be careful! One of the heroes messed with him and he's unconsious. I'm not sure what's going on, but if you can teleport , why don't you get us out of here? Or Witch-Lady? She's all sparkles and magic!" Big Sis Mag warned, waving her hands in the air as she looked toward the Witch of West.

" My warp power is still new, Magne. There is still much I need to learn. I can only warp people to and from my location, or someone to somebody I'm rather familiar with. It's easier to have Kurogiri do this." All For One spoke, Kurogiri's warp appearing on cue. It was bigger then they'd seen and was created quicker than imagined. 

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