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The next morning, they were up, bright and early. And they were given absolute HELL. Each of them were going to pass their limits so they could break themselves and reshape themselves. She was given Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll in a Fight and Rescue sort of training. Her goal was to fight Pixie-Bob, while trying to minimize damage to her surroundings, control her temper, while also trying to save Ragdoll from Pixie-Bob, who would also be making it harder for Kaori to save her. She was tired as hell and her head felt like rocks. Pixie-Bob was faster than she imagined and even more annoying when fighting. As Pixie sat in a chair she had created, she was trying to wipe out sludge monsters, while also making it to Ragdoll, who was hanging off the side of a cliff. One hit her in the face, then punched her in the stomach. She grunted, rolling on the ground. She laid sprawled across the ground, breathing in and out slowly. Pixie-Bob's tail swung back and forth as she finished another level of Kitten-Mittens on her phone. That happiness subsided as a pebble was thrown at her forehead. Her head shot up, staring at the girl who dared throw a rock at her. The sludge monsters immediately charged towards her, to which she quickly destroyed as she jumped forward, forcing her hands right through them. She ran towards the cliff, Pixie's eyes's following. 

" Oh no! I think I'm slipping!" Ragdoll cheered with a smile, laughing afterwards as the rope that held her began to break. Kaori charged toward Ragdoll, destroying the monsters as she ran. She flipped over one, using it's head to shoot into the air. Ragdoll's rope broke, allowing the girl to fall. Ragdoll laughed as she was caught, looking up at Kaori. Kaori was holding onto the remaining piece of rope while holding onto the piece Ragdoll had. Kaori's hand began slipping, seeing as she could only hold it without two fingers. Her eyes widened as she whispered quiet prayers. And then....well, the rope was erased from existence. THUD. 

" Ow...~" Kaori hissed, letting out a hoarse breath as Ragdoll sat on-top of her. I hate cats.

Later In The Evening

" Remember what I said? We're not serving you food anymore!" Pixie-Bob said, a table of bunches of un-made food in front of her and Ragdoll. The kids groaned mentally, already tired from that day's training. 

" If you guys wanna eat, you'll have to make your own meals. Starting with curry!" Ragdoll said, holding up a box of curry mix. Damn cats.

" Yes, ma'am." The classes replied tiredly.

" Oh, man, do you guys look exhausted. But that doesn't mean you can coast by making sloppy cat food!" Ragdoll said, smiling happily at them as she appeared around the group, clapping her hands in front of their faces.. Then Iida tried encouraging them to make the most delicious curry in the world. And so they got to work. First was heating up the grills. 

" Hey, Mina, can you get me a bucket of water?" She asked. Mina starred at her a little unsure, but nodded, walking off to get some water. Kaori set up the fire wood, making sure everything was in place. 

" What the hell are you doing?" Bakugou asked, leaning over her shoulder as he watched the non-existent fire. 

" Setting up the fire wood. Why aren't you lighting something with explosions?" She asked. 

" I tried, but the damn stove was weak." He said, scratching his neck as he glanced at the incinerated oven. She leaned back, seeing the pussycats looming over the damaged oven, poking it cautiously. She hummed, nodding her head as she glanced at Bakugou. 

" I'm back with the...water?" Mina said, unsure if it was the right sentence to say at the time. Kaori looked at her, giving a smile. 

" Thanks, Mina." She said, taking the bucket and looking at the oven. Bakugou watched as Kaori took the bucket, looking at the water with confusion. 

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