Chapter 1: Moshi mosh~ truck-kun!

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Reminder! Sorry for not mentioning this in the A/N or the description, but there WILL be MANGA SPOILERS!


2nd person P.O.V. (you/your)

You were in your house watching demon slayer the anime, right after you were done reading the manga during quarantine. "This is WAY better than the manga! Poor Tanjiro tho..." you thought in your head. Just as Tanjiro was about to meet Sabito, "(YYYY/NNNNN)!!!!!!" your mother called. "WUT DAFUQ IS IT!?" you screamed back. "LANGUAGE YOUNG LADY!" your mother screeched.

 You had no choice but to go downstairs to see what the 'old hag' wanted. "Wassup old hag" you casually stated. "I AINT EVEN THAT OLD YOUNG MISSY!" your mom replied back. "Yeah, yeah whatevs, whaddya want?" you asked your mom. "Oh, I need you to go get groceries from the market across the street, I need (insert long list of groceries). Go get 'em, and come back as soon as your done. Be careful when crossing the street too, I heard a band of robbers robbed a load of money, though it's unlikely that they'll come across our street, but be careful anyway." your mom stated. You replies a quick "ok" and left the house.

(smol time skip brought to you by an angry pomeranian)

When you were walking down the street, you were on a call with your friend. Next thing you know, you were hit by a truck. The last thing you said was "Sayonara, truck-kun" until you felt cold. You tried preserving body heat by curling up into a ball or so. Once you realised it ain't winter in your country, you shot up and screamed "WUT DAFUQ ON EARTH?!". You realized the setting was from demon slayer, you were now in the scene where Giyuu was about to come, but Tanjiro looked at you once you screeched because he probably assumed that you were talking about Nezuko. "She's my sister! She's my younger sister!" Tanjiro exclaimed. 

Right when you were about to reply, Giyuu came and almost sliced Nezuko's head off if weren't for Tanjiro, though, Giyuu still managed to cut Tanjiro's ponytail off. Then Giyuu took a glance at you and went back to what he was doing. You watched the scene play out as how it was supposed to in awe. Once Giyuu knocked Tanjiro and Nezuko out, he went to you and took a look at your appearance. You had smooth (H/C) hair, big (E/C) eyes, and radiant (S/T) skin.

 Giyuu noticed he was probably staring too long and blushed. He actually thought you were quite beautiful. You decided not to freak him out and introduced yourself. "Moshi mosh~! I'm (L/N) (Y/N), please call me (Y/N), who are you?" you decided to act like a normal person, incase they thought you were weird or something. You also found out they could understand you since you seemed to speak japanese on the outside, but you think your speaking english from your point of view. "I'm Tomioka Giyuu, may I ask what you're doing here? You don't seem to be with someone around here, correct?" He asked. You gave him a slight smile and nodded your head. 

Giyuu then got ahold of your hand, dragged you to the Kamado siblings, and told you to visit the elder, Sakonji Urokodaki, on Mt. Sagiri and to take the Kamado siblings with you once they wake up. He also told you to tell Tanjiro to keep his sister out of the sun. You nodded your head and then he disappeared. You sat on the snow and waited, then, right on cue, Tanjiro woke up and clung to his sister's haori.

You then went to Tanjiro and introduced yourself the same way you did to Giyuu, but with a bigger smile since the cinnamon roll deserves one. Tanjiro then noticed your appearance and blushed. He thought your smile was cute as well. Tanjiro then introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Kamado Tanjiro, you can call me Tanjiro! And this is my sister, Kamado Nezuko, you can call her Nezuko! Who was that guy?" Tanjiro said. You told him who Giyuu was and where he needed to go. Tanjiro understood, but he said he needed to bury his family members, since they were attacked by a demon (which you already know). Once they were done, you all went on your trip to Mt. Sagiri.


Important: Yes this is another thing I failed to say in the A/N but the thoughts are in Italics. Anyways, thanks for clicking on this fanfic and happy reading! And plz follow me on tik tok! im_kakash1_hatak3 is my account! Arigato!


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