Chapter 26: Daki

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I was practicing my performing, when I felt a demonic aura, though I had to keep my composure or others would get suspicious. I then got a break, so I followed the demonic aura. It seems I found Daki. She was disguised as Warabihime oiran in the manga as well, so I already knew. It seems she was talking to Koinatsu oiran. I'm not Zenitsu, but I can still hear well enough to hear what they were talking about.

"You know the girl you took in a few days ago, she seems impressive." Daki said.

"Yes, she is. She will be raised to be the new oiran of the Kyogoku house." Koinatsu oiran said.

"She's really pissing me off. I will definitely do something about it, so watch your successor." Daki said before leaving.

"I don't think Daki recognized me as a demon slayer. Good thing part of my hair covered up my butterfly hairpin." I thought. I then went back into the dressing room, since I also have a uniform for playing the shamisen and the koto. (You wore what was below.)

After I was done changing, Koinatsu oiran came up to me, "(Y/N), please be careful

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After I was done changing, Koinatsu oiran came up to me, "(Y/N), please be careful. You're very popular, and other oirans are jealous of your success, especially Warabihime oiran. She's a cruel oiran, so do be careful." she said. "Alright, thank you Koinatsu oiran." I said and smiled. "Before practice, can I speak to Sumiko, my older sister?" I asked Koinatsu oiran. To be honest, saying Tanjiro was my older sister felt a bit odd. "Of course, just be in time for practice." Koinatsu oiran said, then left.

I then went to Tanjiro's room. "Tanji! It's me!" I whisper shouted. He looked at me and let me in. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to practice the koto and shamisen?" he asked me. "I sensed a demon! It seems to be Warabihime oiran from the Kyogoku house, Zenitsu could be in danger!" I told him, although I already knew Zenitsu was in danger. Zenitsu won't come to meet us during our meeting.

"Is that so? Then we need to slay it!" he said. "We can't right now though, we have to do it during the night." I reminded him. "Right." He said. "I have to go to koto and shamisen practice now, sorry I couldn't stay longer." I told him. Who knew you needed to work so hard to be an oiran? "It's alright (Y/N), I understand that you need to go." he said with a kind smile. "Thanks Tanji, I might come by later!" I said, before leaving to practice.

Tanjiro's P.O.V.

"I wish (Y/N) could stay longer, but being a tayu is hard." I thought. Though the role of oiran suits her though, she's smart, pretty, kind, I love everything about her. Once this is all over, I'll ask her to be my fiancee. But I have to focus first! I need to slay the demon that lurks here!


Taisho Secrets

- Zenitsu and Inosuke weren't really happy when you took Tanjiro to the Tokito house and not one of them.

- You will be in an Oiran Parade soon, this will attract a certain someone.

- Warabihime oiran, or Daki, is REALLY jealous of you now, because of your beauty and prior education, you get more visits than her.


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