Chapter 25: Red Light District

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Nobody's P.O.V.

As soon as they went out, tons of people looking for new girls to take in, came and bombarded Uzui. Soon enough, they were asking the price for (Y/N). "She's fit to be an oiran!" one said. "No doubt, she seems educated and well trained! She's so beautiful!" another said. Soon, Inosuke spotted the oiran parade. She was headed to their way. Once she reached them, she spoke, "Excuse me sir, I'd like to take in the girl over there, if it's alright. I'm from the Tokito house." she said. "Ah, Tokito house you say, alright then! But you must take her older sister with her!" Uzui said. "Alright then, she will come with me, along with her sister." Koinatsu oiran said, taking (Y/N)'s hand and gently walking with her. (Y/N) quickly took Tanjiro's hand and dragged him with her. Koinatsu oiran smiled at them, as they stayed quiet, but smiled back.

(Time skip brought to you by taking off makeup)

Tanjiro and (Y/N) were now carrying packages towards Koinatsu oiran's room. Even though (Y/N) was meant to be with the oiran, since Koinatsu oiran wanted (Y/N) to be the Tokito house's next oiran, she was a tayu, (Y/N) clinged onto Tanjiro which made him blush, but went unnoticed. So, the oiran had no choice but to let them be together. As the two were walking by, they heard the 2 little girls gossip about 'ladies losing their footing' so (Y/N) and Tanjiro decided to join in.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"This is where they talk about Suma!" I thought, but I then remembered I had to go to Koinatsu oiran to practice the Oiran dance and since I was a tayu, I needed to take those lessons even if I'm on a mission. I then heard Koinatsu oiran's voice, "Ah, (Y/N), I was looking for you. You need to come with me. Also, thank you both for bringing these, come here, I'll give you both candy, you can eat it alone in secret." she said, handing me and Tanji some candy. The two little girls wanted some so I gave them some of my candy. Who couldn't when they're so cute!

"Well, (Y/N), come, you need to practice your performing." Koinatsu oiran said. I smiled and nodded my head as I followed. Who knew doing just dance and playing the guitar could really help in oiran-training. I had to get dressed into a performing kimono and perform the Oiran dance in front of others so they could judge me. (You wore what was below.)

I went to show Koinatsu oiran I was done changing, but I came across the 2 little girls gossiping earlier

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I went to show Koinatsu oiran I was done changing, but I came across the 2 little girls gossiping earlier. "Ouah! (Y/N)-oiran! You look so pretty!" one said. "Thank you! Do you know where Koinatsu-oiran is?" I asked. "Yeah! Koinatsu-oiran is in her room." the other one replied. "Thank you I'll be off now!" I said as I went to Koinatsu oiran's room.


Taisho Secrets

- I had to do a lot of research on this chapter, so I had to publish it late. Sorry readers for the delay!

- When Tanjiro saw you walk down the hall with the practice-performance kimono on, he was like a statue until the 2 girls from earlier snapped him out of it.

- You do really well in performances and playing instruments, so Koinatsu oiran was happy.


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