Rengoku x reader

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(B/N) = Boy name

(G/N) = Girl name

Nobody's P.O.V.

"Eh? Kyo-san what are you doing?" (Y/N) asked Rengoku as he took (Y/N) to the sakura tree and got down on 1 knee. "(Y/N), I love you! Please be my wife!" Rengoku exclaimed happily while blushing. "Hell yeah!!!" (Y/N) exclaimed as they both hugged each other.

(Y/N)  married each other in the garden of Kagaya's estate, and everyone was invited, including the swordsmiths and kakushi. It was bright and happy, just like (Y/N) and Rengoku. Kagaya and Amane were very happy to lead the wedding, and everyone was happy as well. Sure the other males liked (Y/N), but as long as she was happy, they were happy. They congratulated them on their marriage, and took one big group photo.

(In the Present...)

"Hey (B/N) wake the hell up! We finna be late!!!" (G/N) shouted. "UMAI! I'm up!" (B/N) shot up bumping into his older sister's forehead. "Ow!" they both yelped. "(B/N)!!! (G/N)!!! You're gonna be late!" "Coming mom!" they both yelled as they rushed downstairs. "You look just like your great grandparents..." "That's why we're awesome! Bye mom!!!" (B/N) shouted.

(B/N)'s yellow and red hair that was tied up (like Rengoku's) flew around as he ran to school, his (E/C) eyes gleaming with competitivity. "Race you to school (G/N)!!!" he shouted. "Wha- hey!!" (G/N) got cut off with the wind blowing her (H/C) hair into her face as her red and yellow orbs were covered by her hair. "No fair!" She shouted, as she moved her hair out of her face and ran after her brother.

On the wall, hanging on a frame, was the wedding group photo from their very wedding day. Their swords, haoris, uniform, were on display on the wall as well. They were well remembered and respected sword wielders.

The End...

Smol (A/N): Pls follow me on tik tok!  im_kakash1_hatak3 is my account! Arigato!

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