Chapter 8: Meeting the rainbow people of Demon Slayer Corps

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Nobody's P.O.V.

(15 days later)

(Y/N) and Tanjiro are in front of Urokodaki's house. Why? Because they heard wind chimes, and there was a person wearing a hat with wind chimes attached, walking towards them. "Hi there?..." Tanjiro said, more questioned. "My name is Hagenazuka. I forged Kamado Tanjiro's and (L/N) (Y/N)'s swords. I am here to deliver it." he said. (Y/N) and Tanjiro bowed and Tanjiro said, "Sorry, I'm Kamado Tanjiro," he said " And I'm (L/N) (Y/N)!" (Y/N) finished. "Come in!" Tanjiro said, but Hagenazuka sat on the ground, explaining about nirichin swords while Tanjiro protested. (Y/N) seemed interested, so she crouched down and listened to Hagenazuka ramble.

"Hey, you're a child of brightness aren't you? Well isn't that lucky?" Hagenazuka then zoomed in on Tanjiro.

"Uhm... My parents' names were Tanjuro and Kei." Tanjiro replied.

"That's not what I mean. You know how your hair and eyes have a reddish hue to them? Well if a family that works with fire has a child like you, it's considered lucky and a cause for celebration." Hagenazuka explained while squishing Tanjiro's face.

"Is it really? I had no idea." Tanjiro said while struggling.

After talking some more, Hagenazuka agreed to come inside and gave Tanjiro his sword, since (Y/N) wanted to go after Tanjiro. When Tanjiro drew his sword, it slowly turned black. Tanjiro panicked a little while Hagenazuka was shaking in rage. Hagenazuka snapped and put Tanjiro in a weird chokehold. "Hey, hey! Calm down! I still haven't drawn my sword yet!" (Y/N) tried calming him down.

They got seated and when (Y/N) drew her sword, her sword turned a bright, crimson red. "I never expected you to get red, but I'm happy! You just made my whole week!" Hagenazuka said, and left. "I never expected you to get a red sword either." said Urokodaki. As (Y/N) was about to say something, Tanjiro's crow and Aozora came in. (Y/N)'s crow said "The Hashira meeting will start tomorrow." calmly, while Tanjiro's was screeching for him to go on a mission.

"Alright, it's time." Tanjiro said.

(The next day)

Tanjiro and (Y/N) got ready. They put their uniforms on, and slipped on their haori (Yours is the picture below. Credits go to me and the app I used.) (Y/N) also tied her hair in a side ponytail. (Hairstyle in the picture below. If you have short hair, you didn't tie it up.) Urokodaki also gifted (Y/N) a (F/C) butterfly hairpin that he found in a store on one of his strolls.

) Urokodaki also gifted (Y/N) a (F/C) butterfly hairpin that he found in a store on one of his strolls

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Once they were ready to leave, they said "Ok, we're off." and had 1 last group hug before going on their way.


Taisho Secrets

- (Y/N) is the one who designed and made her haori, she also fixed Tanjiro's haori since she learned sewing.

- Tanjiro still doesn't know (Y/N) is a hashira, he doesn't even know what a hasira is.

- Aozora and Tennouji (Tanjiro's crow's name is actually Tennouji) are good friends, despite being different birds.


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