Chapter 16: Hashira Meeting!

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2nd P.O.V. (you/your)

"I know exactly what this meeting is about..." you thought as you rushed to where the other hashiras were standing. "What's going on guys?" you acted oblivious. "This boy here seems to have violated the rules!" Rengoku said in his booming voice. You looked over to Tanjiro being woken up by a kakushi harshly. "Excuse me, but can you please not go too hard on him?" you told the kakushi. The kakushi got scared and immediately said "YES (Y/N)-SAMA!" and with that volume Tanjiro woke up.

"I heard he was a demon slayer with a demon in tow, but he seems less flamboyant than I expected. Too bad." Uzui thought. "We must see that this boy is on trial to be judged, so it shall be!" Rengoku thought. "To think that he's protecting his sister who's now a demon! What a brave and beautiful display of sibling love!" Mitsuri thought. "What? Who are these people?" Tanjro said with a dry voice as the kakushi pushed him down onto the gravel harshly. You then went up to him and brought your gourd of water which includes a painkiller. "Here Tanji! Drink this slowly, you have a broken jaw." you said. Tanjiro was surprised you were here. He drank from the gourd, "(Y/N)!? What are you doing here!?" Tanjiro asked in surprise. The kakushi was about to smack his head but you shot him a glare and said, "You may leave." and with that, he ran off.

Another kakushi came and bowed to the hashiras, then explained what a hashira was and all. "This is the demon slayers' headquarters." Shinobu started, as you zoned out. You went to go stand beside Giyuu, a bit far from the others. 

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Shit, I forgot about the risks." I thought. I was snapped into the real world when 'Salami-san' was shouting at Tanjiro holding Nezuko's box. He was about to stab it but I was quick enough to save Nezuko. Then Salam- I mean, Sanemi started yelling at me, so it was time for my acting skills. I looked like I was about to cry, as soon as the hashiras and Tanjiro saw that, they glared at Sanemi. Then Tanjiro jumped and head-butted Sanemi, and then landed in front of me and said, "Whoever makes (Y/N) sad, hashira or not, I will not accept it!" Tanjiro shouted. "Thanks Tanji!" I said. I then hugged him at where the male hashiras glared at him, while Mitsuri and Shinobu swooned a little. "Step away from onee-san." Muichiro said with a glare. "Don't worry 'Mochi'! He's a good person!" I said, patting Mo- I mean Muichiro's head.

Then I heard 2 synced voices say "The Master has arrived."


Taisho Secrets

- Sanemi actually has a soft spot for you, so he usually doesn't yell at you.

- You call Sanemi 'Salami' and Muichiro 'Mochi'.

- Shinobu and Mitsuri shipped you and Tanjiro, but they still shipped you with the other male hashiras as well.


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