Chapter 43: Kanao has a CRUSH!?!?

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Nobody's P.O.V.

"Does anyone else know about how (Y/N) got her mark?" Kagaya asked. Mitsuri shook her head. The rest of the pillars also shook their head. "Then we'll have to ask (Y/N) when she recovers." Kagaya said as he then ended the pillar meeting. The hashira then went to (Y/N)'s recovery room and saw her still sleeping. Then Obanai wanted to try something, he went beside (Y/N) and hoped that she would scream 'UMAI' and knock him over, but that didn't happen... The hashira all gave (Y/N) a warm hug before going on their missions.

Obanai's P.O.V.

I was hoping for (Y/N) to wake up, but it didn't work... I then went on my mission assigned with Uzui and Shinazugawa. When they arrived, we had very little talking, but I could tell they were still thinking about (Y/N). "I hope (Y/N)-chan will be ok..." Uzui said "Don't you think that we all hope (Y/N)'s ok!?" Shinazugawa snapped. He seemed jealous. "Can you please be quiet, we have a mission to finish." I tell them. Not that I'm not worried about (Y/N), but the sooner we finish, the sooner i get to see my (Y/N). "I knew you didn't genuinely care about (Y/N)! But that's fine, it just gives me more chances to take her as my fiance!" Shinazugawa shouted with an arrogant smirk.

"No chance Shinazugawa, (Y/N) is sure to be my fourth wife, she wouldn't want an arrogant angry fiance as her husband later on would she?" Uzui said. I was about to argue back but we reached our destination. "We'll continue this later." We all said as we went to slay that demon.

Shinobu's P.O.V.

I didn't really have a mission at this moment, so I went to check on (Y/N). She still has a high fever, even over 100 degrees! I'm just so worried about her, and I hope she'll be ok. I went to check on Tanjiro-san and the other 2. They were recovering well, and now training. Since they were doing fine, I went to check on Kanao to see if she was doing alright as well. She mentioned she had a crush on someone, I might as well ask her who they are!

I went up to Kanao, as she was in the garden, and told her to take a seat on the engawa beside me. "Kanao, I know you probably won't tell me who they are, but who are you crushing on?" I asked Kanao excitedly as she blushed a deep pink. "Well... uhm..." Kanao stuttered. "Ah, if you want you can tell me later!" I said as i noticed her getting a little uncomfortable. 

"Well it's-" Before she could finish I heard the Kamaboko squad come up to us yelling out my name. "Shinobu-san! Shinobu-san!" they called out, I was a little irritated, but answered them nevertheless. "What is it?" I asked. "When we went to visit (Y/N)-chan in her recovery room Inosuke said his heart felt weird!" Zenitsu said panicked, practically crying. I immediately understood why and ushered them to a side to explain, "I'll be right back Kanao!" I yelled out before closing the door.


Taisho Secrets

- Should I make Kanao a love interest? I know this is a 'Males x reader' story but since it's pride month (for me at least) should we add Kanao as a love interest?

- Me (Neko-chan/the author) couldn't update for so long because the laptop I was using broke and I couldn't type on my phone! I'm so so SO SO SO SORRY IF YOU HATE ME NOW PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!

- And no, Inosuke was NOT having a heart attack-


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