Chapter 19: Train Arc!!!

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Nobody's P.O.V.

After the emotional outbreak everyone had, things went back to normal. When the Kamaboko squad got better, (Y/N) decided to introduce herself to Inosuke and Zenitsu.

"Hello! How's training going?" (Y/N) asked them.

"OUAHHHHH!!!! THERE'S AN ANGEL IN THE ROOM! PLEASE MARRY ME!!!" Zenitsu screeched, clinging onto (Y/N)'s leg.

"Uhm... I'm (L/N) (Y/N)! Please call me (Y/N)! Nice to meet you all!" (Y/N) said while patting Zenitsu's head.


Inosuke then started chasing Zenitsu around to fight him. (Y/N) and Tanjiro sweatdropped from the sidelines.

(Smol time skip)

The kamaboko squad has finished their rehabilitation training, and (Y/N) helped Kanao to not use the coin Kanae gave for deciding things. The Kamaboko squad was now leaving to go on their new mission, along with (Y/N) and Rengoku, though Rengoku went ahead, and (Y/N) volunteered, since she knew what was going to happen.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Holy shit... I'm gonna be in the train arc!" I thought. "But I also have to save Kyo-san... wut to do, wut to do..." I wondered. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CREATURE?!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a loud bish so I smacked the back of his head and he shut up. I jinxed it. "I bet this is that thing! The master of this land! The ruler of this land!" Inosuke said. I sweatdropped.

We were all having an argument about trains and guardians of the land, until some chile I knew started to tackle the train. I immediately held him back by throwing him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes, even though he's taller than me, dragged the others along and into the tain, and let them down once we were in front of Kyo-san. (Sorry to those who are tall, but in this fanfic ur gonna be short!)

"Hi Kyo-san!" I said.

"Ah! (Y/N)-chan! Hello! Do you want one!" he asked.

I gladly accepted, and sat beside him. We nodded at each other before taking a bite of the bento and saying "UMAI!" at the same time. The Kamaboko squad sweatdropped and took their seats.


Taisho Secrets

- Tanjiro actually got jealous when Zenitsu clinged onto you like that.

- Inosuke got giddy seeing you and feeling your comforting aura.

- Zenitsu REALLY (x1000) wants to marry you now. You were the first person to not yell at him when he clinged onto you.


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