Chapter 9: The Gen Z Hashira!

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I was now running to the Ubuyashiki estate with Aozora leading me. "Aozora, will we be there in time?" I asked. "Yes, we will be there in time! Meet the master before you go!" my bird said. "Thanks Aozora." I said before the twins from Final Selection led me to their father.

"Good morning, Oyakata-sama. I hope you're doing well." I said with a bow. "Thank you, (Y/N). Good morning to you as well. We will start the Hashira Meeting, as soon as I call your name, please step out." he said. "Yes Oyakata-sama." I said.

He then stepped out on his porch, in front of all the hashiras with the help of his 2 other daughters and who seemed to be Rengoku said "Good morning Oyakata-sama! I hope you are doing well!" in a booming voice. Thank you, my children. I have called a pre-annual Hashira Meeting because there will be a new hashira joining you. Please be kind to her. (Y/N), you may come out now.

I then stepped out on the porch. "EEEEE! She's so kawaii!" Mitsuri squealed. "Hello! my name is (L/N) (Y/N). Please call me (Y/N)! I hope we'll all be best friends!" I said with a smile. Shinobu took a liking to you so she introduced herself. The others introduced themselves as well, and then the Hashira meeting came to an end. Soon, all the Hashiras except Obanai, Giyuu, and Senemi moved from there spots. I then walked over to Giyuu.

"Hi Giyuu!" I said.

"Hi." he said.

"You look lonely. Are you ok?" I purposely leaned closer to make him flustered. He kept his ground, but his face turned red.

"Ara~ Ara~ Tomioka-san! Are you sick? Step away from (Y/N)-chan! You'll get her sick!" Shinobu said in a teasing voice. 

"I'm not sick." Giyuu said in a blunt way.

"We all know you have no friends, so why pretend you aren't sick?" Shinobu teased.

"I'm Giyuu's friend!" I said.

"See. I have friends." Giyuu said bluntly, but I didn't miss the small smile he had.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Let's hang out!" Mitsuri dragged you to the Love estate.

"I know it's a little childish, but, do you want to dress up?" she asked.

I then smiled and nodded. Who could say no to the love hashira?

(Time skip brought to you by dressing up and Mitsuri doing your hair.)

Nobody's P.O.V.

"EEEEK! We HAVE to show you to the others!" she then dragged (Y/N) out of the estate where all the hashira were. "Look everyone! Isn't she so KAWAII!" Mitsuri just squealed. (Y/N) just stood there, not knowing what to do. Shinobu agreed that (Y/N) was kawaii while all the males blushed, except for Muichiro. (You wore what was in the picture below. Credits to me and the website I used.)

"I bought a Western-styled yukata, but it didn't fit me

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"I bought a Western-styled yukata, but it didn't fit me. So now (Y/N) is wearing it! It's so kawaii!" Mitsuri said. "The boys got even more flustered. They then glared at each other, while Muichiro was talking to Gyomei about the clouds. Shinobu then dragged (Y/N) and mitsuri to the Butterfly estate, saying that their going to have a 'girl talk'. "(Y/N), I think most of the male hashiras have a crush on you!" Shinobu said. "Do you like anyone?" Mitsuri said excited. "I... uhh... I dunno?" (Y/N) said. "Well, if someone interests you, be sure to tell us!" Mitsuri said. 

Aozora, (Y/N)'s bird, flew through the window and landed on (Y/N)'s shoulder, it then said, "The Gen Z estate has been completed! Lady (Y/N) shall live there!" Aozora calmly said. "Thank you Aozora." (Y/N) said. "I have to go to bed now! Goodnight!" (Y/N) said before going into her estate.


Taisho Secrets

- Sanemi also blushed, and even Obanai under his mask when you came out with a western-styled yukata.

- Obanai didn't have a crush on Mitsuri at this time. So his crush is focused on you.

- Muichiro wanted to call you onee-san, but decided against it.


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