Chapter 7: Imma be a Hashira!!!

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As I followed the twins I wondered why and where they were taking me. I then saw a garden and a house. To be specific, Oyakata-sama's house. "Aw shit, how do I act oblivious to the dude?" I thought. "Please enter." the twins said. "Alright." I said with a small smile. I went inside, as the twins said "She has arrived" in sync. "Thank you, take a seat." Kagaya said. With that, the twins left and I faced Kagaya as I sat on the tatami mat in front of him. "Hello, I am Ubuyashiki Kagaya, my children refer to me as Oyakata-sama. I assume you don't know why you're here?" he said, still with a smile. "Yes, I don't know. I'm (L/N) (Y/N), by the way." I said.

"I have heard from my crow you have defeated over 50 demons, I would like you to become a hashira, the top rank of the demon slayer corp. as one of the strongest demon slayers. Do you accept? You don't need to become a hashira immediately, you could have a week with friends/family before you are introduced to the other hashiras." Kagaya said.

"Ok! I'll become a hashira!" I said, super hyped, cuz who wouldn't wanna be a hashira?

"Wonderful. I will give Aozora a message the day the hashira meeting will take place. You may leave now." he said.

"Alright, thank you for your time Oyakata-sama. Good day." I said with a bow. I gotta be polite!

After the meeting was done, I was led out by the twins and I ran all the way to Urokodaki's house, when I met Tanjiro on the way, I yeeted him on my back, and ran again. When we reached Urokodaki's house, Nezuko kicked the door open and I let Tanjiro down. "Nezuko! It's you! You're awake!" Tanjiro said. He ran towards Nezuko and fell midway Nezuko then saw you and yeeted you to join the hug. Tanjiro was shouting and crying on how worried he was, while I was crying cuz who wouldn't.

Urokodaki dropped the wood he was holding and walked towards us and gave us a hug as we both calmed down. "You're here. You both made it alive." he said. He was crying. We both stayed in that emotional moment for a while before going inside Urokodaki's house.

"You did it, you were able to kill that mutated demon." Urokodaki told me. 

"Yes..." I replied.

"Then it's over..." he paused. "I'm truly impressed that you made it back." he finished.

"Thanks." Me and Tanjiro replied.

"You should know, there are different kinds of demons..." he continued to talk as I zoned out. I knew what he was saying anyway. "How do I tell them that I became a hashira..." I wondered. "I can't just give the old man a plain boring letter like Giyuu did." I thought some more. "I got it!"

As Urokodaki and Tanjiro were finished talking, Tanjiro left to go check on Nezuko. I started by saying... "I became a hashira..." barely audible, but he still heard it. Yep. Going simple is the best way to tell news to yer old man. "You... did?" Urokodaki said, more like asked. "Yep! And I'm going to the next Hashira meeting they have next week!" I said.

Urokodaki just hugged me. "Are you proud, dad?" I asked. "Yes. Very." he said before letting me go to bed. Tanjiro was already asleep, and Nezuko was too.


Taisho Secrets

- One of my OC's are going to appear! This OC's blood demon art goes credit to Anonymous Creator!

- You will be at the hashira meeting during Tanjiro's first mission as a demon slayer!

- You are the 2nd youngest Hashira, since you are the same age as Tanjiro, so you are older than Muichiro.


Sorry for the short chapter! The next chapter is 15 days later, so I made this chapter short. Sorry again!


~ Neko-chan

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