Chapter 4: Le Final Selection

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Tanjiro's P.O.V. (SURPRISE!)

"I did it" I thought, "I learned how to detect the opening thread!". "You did it Tanji!" (Y/N) said. "YES! Now we can both go to final selection together!" I said. We then heard footsteps behind us. When we turned, Mr. Urokodaki was there. He stood in front of the boulder and analysed it.

"Mr.Urokodaki..." I trailed off. He then spoke, "To be honest, I had no intention of sending you both to final selection..." he started. My expression faltered. "Because I didn't want to see any more of my children die." he continued. "I was sure you wouldn't be able to cut through this boulder, but," he put a hand on mine and (Y/N)'s head and ruffled it gently, but affectionately, "Congrats, Tanjiro and (Y/N). Truly remarkable. I'm very proud." he finished. (Y/N) and I started crying tears of joy. We were then hugged by Mr.Urokodaki. "Make sure you come back from final selection alive. Nezuko and I will be waiting for you." he said.

(Smol time skip brought to you by an alive Neko-chan)

Back at Urokodaki's house, we had a lot of food cooking for us. "There's so much food! What's the deal?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm hungry and all, but this is so much deliciousness!" (Y/N) said. "You've finished your training, so we're celebrating. Time to eat! Don't be shy!" He said. Me and (Y/N) had huge grins and mumbled "Itadakimasu" before we chowed down our food.

After eating I decided to ask (Y/N) to cut my hair and she did. "Thanks!" I told her. "No problem!" she replied. When we were done, Mr.Urokodaki said "Hey, Tanjiro, (Y/N),"

"Yes?" we replied.

"What did you think of the hotpot?" he asked.

Our faces visibly brightened. "Great! I haven't feasted like that in a while." I said. "It was awesome! Thanks dad!" (Y/N) said.

"Growing children with an appetite like yours will get bigger as you eat, and so do demons. Remember that. The more humans a demon has eaten, the more powerful it'll be." He told us.

"So if they eat a lot, they'll be tough to defeat?" I asked.

"That's right. They get stronger, physical traits change, and some learn to use strange spells." he told us.

He then went to a cupboard and took out 2 kitsune masks. " You'll be able to tell how many poor souls they've claimed once Tanjiro's sense of smell and (Y/N)'s sense of auras are even more developed."

He then gave us the 2 kitsune masks. He gave me the one with 2 red circles on the side of the mouth, and a red sun-like design on the left side of the forehead of the mask, where my scar should be. He gave (Y/N) the one with 2 (F/C) circles on the side of the mouth, and a (2/F/C) swirly pattern on the right side of the forehead of the mask.

"What's this?" I asked.

"It's a warding mask!" (Y/N) said with happiness.

"That's right. It's been enchanted by a protection spell, to keep you from harm." Mr.Urokodaki said.

"Now it makes sense..." I trailed off and looked at the mask.


"Yes! They are!" I gave her a close-eyed smile.

We then slept, and awaited for the next day.

(Another time skip to the next day)

Still Tanjiro's P.O.V.

It was next morning. Mr.Urokodaki gave us new jinbei-styled kimonos to wear to Final Selection. I got ready and checked on Nezuko 1 last time. "Nezuko..." I mumbled worriedly. I held Nezuko's hand and brought it near my forehead. "I promise, I'm going to come back for you..." I trailed off. Suddenly, I felt a pair of warm hands over mine and Nezuko's hands. I saw (Y/N) sitting on her knees beside me with a cute pouty expression.

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