Chapter 36: Kotetsu!

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Nobody's P.O.V.

As soon as Ginko asked that, Tanjiro made a weird face. He regained his composure, and apologized, "Sorry about that... I must look weird..." Tanjiro sulked. "No, no!" Kotetsu and (Y/N) declined. "Maybe it's a memory that was passed on?" (Y/N) said. "Yeah, it's a common saying in my village. Appearances aren't the only thing that's inherited. Living things pass on their memories too." Kotetsu explained. "So the dream you saw must have been one of your ancestor's memory!" (Y/N) and Kotetsu concluded. "Thanks, you're sweet. My name's Tanjiro, and her name's (Y/N). What's yours?" Tanjiro asked. "I'm Kotetsu." the young swordsmith introduced.

The three of them then heard a slice. When they looked back, they saw Muichiro's blade, slice through the mechanical doll's armour. Kotetsu broke down, and ran into the forest surrounding them. "Kotetsu!" (Y/N) yelled, and ran after Kotetsu along with Tanjiro. Both slayers yelled out his name while searching.

Kotetsu's P.O.V. (Surprise!)

"I'm so pathetic. It's all my fault that the mechanical battle doll is ending at my generation..." I thought while crying. "Don't feel down Kotetsu, you have a future. You have to work harder to be better later on. Practice makes perfect. One day, you'll be able to do the things that you can't do right now." I heard (Y/N)'s voice say. I looked beside me and found (Y/N) perched beside me on the branch I was on. "I didn't even hear her... she really is a swords-wielder..." I thought in surprise. "No, I can't. I know I'm just a pathetic guy. Everything... is gonna end at my generation and it's all my fault." I tell her, still crying.

"Don't be to reckless, don't talk about yourself that way... you look cuter when you smile!" (Y/N) said smiling, while gently wiping away my tears. She then embraced me in a soft hug. "Can I call you (Y/N)-nee?" I suddenly ask. "No problem." (Y/N)-nee said nonchalantly. "You see Kotetsu, you shouldn't give up on yourself so easily. If you can't do it, then others will. Maybe even your kids, or your grandkids. But you can't give up without trying." (Y/N)-nee says. I took a deep breath and reply, "I didn't want to see the doll break, but now I've made up my mind. His training session should last through the night. That's why I'll make sure... to be mentally ready." I said, and (Y/N)-nee practically beamed.


Taisho Secrets

- Kotetsu was really happy when you let him call you (Y/N)-nee.

- You thought Kotetsu was an adorable child.

- Tanjiro is now looking for Kotetsu and you.


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