Chapter 37: Feeling better

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Nobody's P.O.V.

"Oh! So you're 10." (Y/N) confirmed. "Yeah." Kotetsu replied. Tanjiro eventually found (Y/N) and Kotetsu, so they were now walking back to the village. "My brother-" Tanjiro got cut off, by the one and only Tokito Muichiro, passing through them, shoving Tanjiro away from (Y/N) a bit as well. "He shouldn't get too close to nee-san!" Muichiro thought.

"Huh!? You're done!?" Tanjiro asked in surprise. "Yeah...It was great training. So who are... Oh, right. I broke my blade, so I'll be taking this one." Muichiro said, holding up the battle doll's sword, with part of it's arm still intact. Kotetsu was in shock. "Mochi, you shouldn't be doing- Kotetsu!" (Y/N) shouted after kotetsu, as he ran into another direction. "Kotetsu-kun! (Y/N)!" Tanjiro shouted, as (Y/N) ran after the small boy.

"Dispose of this one for me." Muichiro said, as he shoved his broken blade at Tanjiro, before leaving. Tanjiro smelled anger from him, but he didn't know why. He then ran off into the direction Kotetsu and (Y/N) ran off in, so he could find them.

Muichiro's P.O.V.

I walked off angrily. "That Tanjiro boy shouldn't be getting close to nee-san! And that Kotetsu child is stealing nee-san's attention! Does nee-san like him more as a brother than me?" I was in a flurry of thoughts. I care for my nee-san, so I'll do anything to protect her! I then went deeper into the forest to train more.

Nobody's P.O.V.

As Tanjiro reached Kotetsu and (Y/N), he was utterly confused. "-and say this to him, that all you got, piece of crap? Your hair's too long. Cut it, kelphead. Runt. Clumsy peglegs. Slice your belly open, shameless punk." Kotetsu said, practically sparkling. (Y/N) had a shocked expression, technically sweating. "Kotetsu, I see Mochi as a brother, just like I see you! I can't say that to him." (Y/N) said, regaining her composure. "Why don't you ask Tanjiro?" (Y/N) suggested. "Suggest what?" Tanjiro asked.

"Tanjiro-san! Train hard, and prove that kelphead that he's a jerk! And say that he's a piece of crap, a kelphead, a runt, a shameless punk-" Kotetsu kept going. "Uhm! Kotetsu-kun!? That's a little too-!" Tanjiro was cut off by Kotetsu, "Is it better to slice his head off and hang it from the prison gate?" he asked nonchalantly. "No! It's not! I can't say that!" Tanjiro said, freaking out. "Say it." Kotetsu persisted, "No!" Tanjiro denied. (Y/N) just laughed as they argued.

Tanjiro thought about it, and decided he would get stronger. "Ok! I'll do it! But only if (Y/N) can battle me first, if I pass (Y/N), then I'll battle the doll!" Tanjiro said. "Fine." Kotetsu replied."Fine with me!" (Y/N) said happily. The training


Taisho Secrets

- You and Tanjiro are going to get closer!

- Kotetsu ships you with Tanjiro, but he doesn't like the way you think of Muichiro (kelphead to Kotetsu) as a brother as well.

- Muichiro doesn't want to lose you, since you're the one who is with him, and understands him, he's protective over you.


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