Chapter 31: Like Nezuko

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Nobody's P.O.V.

As Ume and Gyutaro went on their path to hell, (Y/N) came back to consciousness, but realized something wasn't right.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As I woke up, I realized that I felt different. Most importantly, I had a cloth around my mouth. I looked around and noticed we were still where the battle took place against upper moons 6. Everyone seemed surprise. I felt the horns on top of my head, and my old, star hairpin, that was meant to be in my world. I looked at my appearance and it seemed I was half demon and half human. (Your appearance is below. You still have (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, and also your (S/T) skin. The rest are the colours it originally is in the pic below.)

The kakushi and the others were probably surprised I woke up

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The kakushi and the others were probably surprised I woke up. I turned small, like Nezuko and hugged Tanji and Nezuko, Tengen and his wives, and Obaa-chan, in other words, Obanai is Obaa-chan, though he doesn't like the nickname. Perhaps he preferred snek boi. I then went to Nezuko and pat her head, and she patted mine. The kakushi's awed at the adorable scene but yelped when Tengen and Obaa-chan glared at them. I then clinged to Tanji and fell asleep again.

Tanjiro's P.O.V.

I was a bit surprised when (Y/N) clinged onto my leg and fell asleep. I picked her up and held her, similar to how you'd hold a baby. The two male hashiras glared at me, but I wasn't worried when (Y/N) cuddled into my haori deeper. "She's so cute... Who wouldn't love her?" I thought. I considered myself lucky. Nezuko was already sleeping in her box. I picked the box up, and put it around my back. The kakushi continued to clean the area, and I finally saw Zenitsu and Inosuke!

"OUAHHHHHH!? TANJIRO WHAT IS THAAAAT?! YOU'VE BEEN HIDING THIS CUTIE AWAY FROM MEEEEE!?" Zenitsu screeched, while Inosuke seemed like he was in a daze. "No, no! This is (Y/N)! After the battle, she seems to have overused her breath form, so for now, she's taken this form, similar to Nezuko!" I said happily. Thank goodness (Y/N) didn't have to sleep for 2 whole weeks before waking up, but that doesn't mean I stop worrying.

(Smol time skip to the Butterfly estate)

Nobody's P.O.V.

The Kamaboko squad was already in recovery training, while (Y/N) was in Shinobu's office sleeping. Uzui was still going on missions, while his wives weren't anymore.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I felt like I had to open my eyes. NOW that is. I just remembered that dad's curse is getting worse than before. But maybe, if my blood can work on him, I can cure his curse! I snapped my eyes open and shot up. Once again, I noticed Obaa-chan come in with wide eyes. I tried shouting 'UMAI' through the cloth but it didn't work. Obanai seemed to notice I said 'UMAI', though it came out as 'MHMPH' rather than 'UMAI'. But I had no time to lose. I hugged Obaa-chan and ran through the door.

As soon as I got out of the butterfly estate, I tracked Kagaya's aura and he was in the garden. When mom (which is Amane, or Kagaya's wife), said that dad's curse was spreading, she wasn't kidding. I found a sharp thorn and cut myself, then faced dad towards me. I then thought, "Blood demon art: Healing blood." as my blood dripped onto Kagaya's forehead, my cut healed and when I moved my hand away from my vision, my blood already began to work. Soon enough, it seems as if the curse was never there. Dad had wide eyes. Speaking of which, his eyes were a pretty lavender colour.

I soon heard gasps. When I turned around, it seems almost the whole demon slayer corps was there. Shinobu was first to speak up, "(Y/N)... You can stand in the sun!" Shinobu said. I only noticed now. "I thought only Nezuko and Tanjiro could do that... I guess I'm magical." Then Mitsuri spoke up, "You even healed Oyakata-sama!" she squealed. I smiled through my cloth muzzle. Tanjiro looked like he was about to cry, and so did everyone else. Sanemi ran and hugged me which was a surprise.

Sanemi's P.O.V.

I almost thought I'd lose her. I didn't want to look so vulnerable in front of everyone, but I couldn't care less. I don't like the other males getting ahead of themselves with (Y/N). I ran up to (Y/N) and hugged her. My eyes widened when she hugged back. I smiled.

Nobody's P.O.V.

Soon enough, almost everyone in the corps hugged (Y/N) and Kagaya in a group hug. The kakushis, hashiras, Kamaboko squad, Ubuyashiki family, and even Giyuu. They decided to have a party at the Sound estate, insisted to be 'flamboyant' by none other than Uzui. They had a blast and overall, (Y/N) got drunk and started running all over the place while the hashiras tried catching her. The last thing that happened before the day ended, was (Y/N) sleeping like an adorable child clinging onto a sleeping Kiriya Ubuyashiki.


Taisho Secrets

- You may seem cute and lazy in this form, but when you get mad, you're ultimately scary.

- You've been close to Kiriya since you usually see him in the garden and play with him if he's lonely, and yes, the Ubuyashiki family also came to the party.

- Word count is 916 words! Which means this is an extra long chapter!


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