Chapter 28: Saving Koinatsu Oiran!!!

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

We were now packing our stuff. I put my uniform on and took my blade. I then went to Tanjiro's room. He also came out. "Let's tell Koinatsu-oiran we're leaving before we go." Tanjiro said. I nodded and we headed to Koinatsu-oiran's room. "After Tanjiro leaves, Daki will appear to consume Koinatsu-oiran..." I thought.

We went into Koinatsu-oiran's room. "Koinatsu-oiran, forgive us for being impolite, but we must leave the Tokito House. We owe you and the master for all the care you've provided, so could you please take this payment and give it to them?" I slid an envelope towards Koinatsu oiran. "Sumi-chan... your clothes..." Koinatsu oiran mumbled. "I have my reasons for dressing up like a girl, but I'm actually a boy." Tanjiro said. "Oh, I figured it out. I could tell just by hearing how deep your voice practically is." Koinatsu-oiran said.

Tanjiro made one of his funny potato faces after he heard that. "... Huh?" Tanjiro was confused. "It was hard to see that you were a male, but your voice was too deep to be a lady's voice, so I came to a conclusion that you were a boy." Koinatsu oiran said. "You have your circumstances right? You were worried about Suma-chan as well, right?" Koinatsu oiran asked. "Yes! I really was! That wasn't a lie!" Tanjiro said. "We will save those who've disappeared." I said. "Thanks. I'm a little relieved now. You see... I'm leaving this town tomorrow." Koinatsu oiran said. "Is that so! That sounds wonderful!" Tanjiro said. "There's someone who's willing to take me in as a wife... I'm extremely happy right now. But... That's why I couldn't help but worry about everyone I was leaving behind. Even though there were a lot of unsettling incidents happening, I had no means to investigate them." Koinatsu-oiran said solemnly.

"That's natural, so please just smile!" I said smiling. "I really don't want you to leave... Sumi-chan, (Y/N)-chan." Koinatsu oiran smiled. We smiled back, and jumped up to the roof. Once we were out I had to inform Tanjiro about something, "Tanji, we need to go back to Koinatsu oiran! Something's wrong! I sense a demon there!" I said. Tanjiro's eyes widened. He then nodded at me and we both jumped down, back into Koinatsu oiran's room. Daki was about to attack Koinatsu with her sash, but I cut her sash off and stood in front of Koinatsu-oiran in a protective way. "You're going down, Warabihime." I said menacingly. Her eyes widened, but then she smirked. "You look pretty enough to eat, you're meant to be Koinatsu's successor right? I sense your a pillar as well. You'll make a great meal, but it seems he wants you brought back alive." Daki said. With that, the battle began.


Taisho Secrets

- Daki was actually jealous of you.

- Daki really wanted to eat you, but Muzan warned the upper moons not to or their life would be out of this world.

- Tanjiro was wondering how you knew Koinatsu oiran was in trouble, but he sweatdropped at himself when he remembered you were a pillar.


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