Chapter 5: Mr.Handyman Demon

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Tanjiro's P.O.V.

"Survive, don't think about anything else..." I thought. Me and (Y/N) eventually agreed to split up, so we wouldn't need to look out for each other when we attack. Of course I was against it, but she eventually won the argument.

I was running across the mountain, all I need to do is to survive the nights, then rest in the day. "I need to head east! I'll make my way to where the sunlight will hit first! Maybe (Y/N) will be close to there as well..." I was shaken out of my thoughts when I smelt a demon close by.

(Smol time skip to where Tanji is done with le disgustang creatures)

"I did it... I killed demons! I'm getting stronger!" I thought to myself. "So my training wasn't for nothing, I did master it!" I got a little teary-eyed. I watched the demons turn to ashes. I felt bad, since when they die, nothing is left of them. Not even the bones.

I had a little flashback of when Mr.Urokodaki explained to us about how to kill a demon. I then sheathed my sword back in it's case and prayed for them. "Rest in peace.." I mumbled. I then smelled something awful. It had such a disgusting scent! I then heard someone scream and say "What the hell! I didn't sign up for this!". I was hiding behind a tree. "What?" I thought. I then saw it, and went back and hid behind the tree again with a terrified expression. I was breathing heavily and sweating bullets. I peeked 1 more time to see that terrifying, giant, hand-demon. "My god! What is that!?" I was petrified.

With Sabito and Makomo in another place...

"Hey, Sabito, do you think Tanjiro and (Y/N) can beat him?" Makomo asked.

"I don't know. It seems, nothing's ever going to be enough... you saw for yourself, didn't you?"

Back to Tanjiro...

(Y/N)'s P.O.V. (Another SURPRISE)

"You swallowed the chile whole you mutherfuqer! Poor chile!" I thought in shock, watching handyman demon swallow the poor chile. Then the demon got bigger while growling. The scared boy began running, but the demon's hands were faster and dragged him to the demon by the leg. I jumped in and mumbled, "Gen Z breathing, 3rd form: Satan's will to kill ya..." I chopped the hand holding the boy with a slash resembling an X, and caught the boy as he was falling. "There ya go mate, safe'n'sound for now!" I say. I then see Tanji running to us. "SUP TANJI! NEVER KNEW YOU WERE NEAR ME!" I screeched to him, though I DID know since I watched le anime and le manga.

"Well look at that, another 2 of those sweet little foxes!" Mr.Handyman says happily.

"Another?" Tanjiro mumbled.

"Say, fox cubs, the year, are we still in Meiji?" Mr.Handyman asks.

"Naw man, we in the Taisho period now." I said.

"Taisho...?" Mr.Handyman mumbled. He then screamed in rage. Me and Tanji were horrified, though I was amused he was hurting HIMSELF, cuz only some idiot would do that or somethin', but I couldn't care less, so I attacked the dude as he was explaining to Tanji and the boy about his life story. "Gen Z breathing, fifth form: Tangled headphones!" I mumbled. I cut all the hands that came my way with multiple slashes, and ended Mr.Handyman in a flash.

Nobody's P.O.V.

Tanjiro stood there awestruck. He also noticed the (F/C) symbol on (Y/N)'s cheek, a bit below her eye. The boy earlier had run away, since Tanjiro told him, but the time Tanjiro turned back, (Y/N) was done slaying the demon. Tanjiro's and (Y/N)'s masks were broken, but they paid no mind. "Hmmm... that was kinda easy." (Y/N) said. She then turned to Tanjiro really fast. "DID YOU SEE ME TANJI?! I SLICED AND DICED A HANDYMAN DEMON DUDE!" (Y/N) screamed. "Yeah! You were awesome!" Tanjiro said.


                                                                               Taisho Secrets

- (Y/N) wanted to split up because she wanted to see Tanjiro in action, but decided she wasn't gonna care about the plot no more so she destroyed the hand demon.

- Tanjiro did get the demon slayer mark, since he fought the hands coming his way while protecting the boy.

(Y/N) called the hand-demon 'Mr.Handyman' because he reminded her of Shigaraki from My Hero Academia.



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This is the demon slayer mark you got, but it's in your favourite colour.

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