Chapter 6: The rest of the Selection

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Nobody's P.O.V.

"NO! NO! NOOOOO!" the hand demon screamed, as it watched it's body degenerate. (Y/N) put her sword back in it's scabbard as she turned to the demon she was seeing glimpses of the demons past life. Sure she was happy she defeated it, but who wouldn't feel bad?

She went to the outstretched demon's hand and held it, so did Tanjiro. "What a sad scent/aura." (Y/N) and Tanjiro mumbled. The demon softly grasped their hand back, and cried while degenerating.

(Y/N) and Tanjiro both said "Please God, help him...". (Y/N) then saw the demon in a black void going to the light, "Next time, when this man is reborn," Tanjiro said. "Please don't let him turn into a demon again..." (Y/N) finished. (Y/N) then saw the demon boy go to, what she assumed, their house, while holding hands with his older brother.

When the demon was done degenerating, (Y/N) and Tanjiro looked to see Sabito, Makomo, and more of Urokodaki's dead students. "It's over... you can rest now..." (Y/N) and Tanjiro said. They then faded away. (Y/N) then cried. It took Tanjiro by surprise and he asked her if something's wrong. (Y/N) then said "Such an emotional moment! How can I not cry?". Tanjiro sweatdropped and they continued to defeat demons, though they were seperated.

(Y/N) defeated over 50 demons in that mountain. She would purposely find demons and slay them, but she did pray for them afterwards. Tanjiro was still asking demons if they know how to turn a demon back into a human, but he got no answers.

When a week passed, both Tanjiro and (Y/N) met up on the same platform the were on during the start of final selection. (Y/N) and Tanjiro saw each other and did a quick greeting before standing straight and listening to the twins. "Where's my sword?" Genya asked. Not that the others knew, but (Y/N) knew. The twins explained the procedure of the uniforms, ranks, and such. "And our swords?" Genya asked in a menacing manner. The twin explained that Genya had to wait 10-15 days to get his sword. Then Kasugai crows came and landed on their owner, except (Y/N) got a braurake (photo below), and Zenitsu got a sparrow.

 Then Kasugai crows came and landed on their owner, except (Y/N) got a braurake (photo below), and Zenitsu got a sparrow

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"I DON'T NEED THIS CRAP!" Genya shouted and shooed his crow away in a rude manner. The crow went to (Y/N) and she let it on her available shoulder. (Y/N) was broken out of her daze when Genya took ahold of the white-haired twin's hair and spoke to her menacingly. She immediately went to Genya and took ahold of his wrist and squeezed it. "LET.GO." she said. Genya ignored her and she squeezed even tighter to hear cracking. "I SAID LET GO BISH!" she yelled, and Genya let go and stepped back holding his wrist in pain. Tanjiro asked if (Y/N) and the girl was ok and they nodded. He also gave a small glare to Genya while (Y/N) fixed the little girl's hair.

(Y/N) P.O.V.

"There you go, all better!" I said. I then gave Genya a glare since he was being a bish and went back to my spot. "Are you finished chatting with each other?" the other twin asked. I was like "Wtf dude, do you not care for your sis?" as we went to choose an ore. "(L/N) (Y/N), please come and follow us." the twins said as we finished picking our ores. "Alrighty!" I said cheerfully, and followed the twins.


Taisho Secrets

- Oyakata-sama was glad that you are going to be a hashira, since very few survived.

- Yes, the twins called you to follow them because they will take you to Oyakata-sama to become a new pillar.

- You're bird's name is Aozora, meaning 'blue sky' translated from Japanese.


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