Uzui x reader

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(B/N) = Boy name

(G/N) = Girl name

Nobody's P.O.V.

"Gah!?-" Uzui kissed (Y/N) before she could even register wtf was going on. "Well, about being my fourth wife, how bout that?" Uzui smirked. "No thanks." (Y/N) said. "Huh-" Uzui was shocked and sad that you rejected him. "HA! GOTCHA!!!" (Y/N) hollered. "You know I love you, how could I say no?" (Y/N) said playfully.

(Y/N) married Uzui in his estate that very same day, Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru were also very happy, and sure, the others were a little mad and sad but at least you were smiling and laughing. They even threatened Uzui that if he makes you sad, they'll marry (Y/N) instead. The others celebrating sweat dropped as they all took a wedding photo.

(In the present...)

"(G/N), (B/N), HURRY THE FUCK UP-" Uzui shouted at his siblings smirking. "UZUI TENMA SHUT THE HELL UP!!" "SORRY NOT SORRY MOM!" he shouted again, waking up his very annoyed siblings. They looked at each other nodded, and tackled Uzui to the ground hitting him in the process. "Sheesh, y'all should be thanking me, at least we aren't triplets, you twins are so annoying." Uzui complained.

"We're not annoying, we're annoyed. Big difference dumbass." (B/N) pointed out. "Ugh, whatever." Uzui said before flashing the middle finger and walking out. "so annoying for a big brother." (G/N) muttered, a the twins got ready for school, and rushed off to school, passing by the very photo frame of (Y/N) Tengen and Uzui Tengen's marriage.

The End...

Smol (A/N): Pls follow me on tik tok! im_kakash1_hatak3 is my account! Arigato!

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