Chapter 44: Not a Heart Attack Inosuke!

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Nobody's P.O.V.

Shinobu and the Kamaboko squad were now in a room. "AM I HAVING A HEART ATTACK!?!?" Inosuke screeched. "No Inosuke, you're sad because (Y/N) hasn't woken up." Shinobu explained. "Ohhhhhh" Inosuke realised. The others nodded. Shinobu ushered them back out of the room and went back to Kanao.

Kanao's P.O.V.

Shinobu-san came back and took a seat beside me. "So Kanao, who is it?" Shinobu-san asked me. "How will I explain..." I thought. "Ah, well... it's... it's (Y/N)-chan!" I blurted out flustered. Shinobu-san looked a little surprised, but then smiled. "I knew it! When you went to visit (Y/N)-chan in her recovery room you blushed like a tomato!" Shinobu-san said. 

"Ehhhhhhh!?" I was completely embarrassed. "No need to be embarrassed Kanao, a lot of people have a crush on (Y/N)-chan, I'll be rooting for you 2 to get together!" Shinobu-san exclaimed. "I'm glad to have a sister like Shinobu..." I thought happily. I smiled as Shinobu went off to check on the other slayers that were recovering.

Sanemi's P.O.V.

We were done slaying the demon and we were now heading back to headquarters. "(Y/N)-chan is still going to be my fourth wife, she gets along with my other wives just fine." Uzui said. " No, the other's will bother her because you have another  wife. So she'll come to me." I said. "No she won't, she probably hates your anger issues." Obanai said. I was mad. I'm not angry around (Y/N), only with these stuck up people.

Nobody's P.O.V.

When they got back to headquarters, they all immediately rushed to (Y/N)'s recovery room, but to see Kanao sitting beside (Y/N) and sleeping by her arm. They got a little jealous, but left since they didn't want to deal with Shinobu after waking Kanao up. So they went their separate ways to have lunch.

Giyuu was sitting alone as always, and when Shinobu came up to him he scooted away. "Tomioka-san! I know you're worried about (Y/N), but you shouldn't stare at the ground forever! The poor food will go cold!" Shinobu said as she took the simmered salmon and daikon away from him. Giyuu didn't even feel like eating his favourite food with (Y/N) in this state.

Usually, when Giyuu was feeling alone, (Y/N) would feed him simmered salmon and daikon. He'd be happy around (Y/N), and he'd usually get jealous if any other men were around (Y/N). But with (Y/N) not here, he felt alone again. Giyuu then saw Rengoku take a seat beside him. "10 bento boxes please!" Rengoku ordered. Giyuu glared at him. "How can you eat and be so happy when (Y/N) is in this state!?" Giyuu asked with utter disgust.

Rengoku was surprised. The truth was, he wasn't happy at all. "Tomioka-san I-" "NO! (Y/N) WILL NEVER LOVE YOU! THIS CLEARLY SHOWS YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT HER AND YOU'RE COMPLETELY FINE WITH (Y/N) IN THIS STATE!" Giyuu snapped. Giyuu then stormed off back to headquarters.


Rengoku was crying on his futon thinking about (Y/N). "If only... If only I had gone on that mission with her... I could've protected her..." he sobbed. "Kyo-san? Kyo-san don't cry!" he heard a voice like (Y/N) say. He opened his eyes to see a shadow like figure of (Y/N) and he was shocked. "(Y/N)!? You're awake!" Rengoku exclaimed with happiness. "No... Not yet... I'll wake up when it's time... And Kyo-san, don't be so hard on yourself or I'll smack you when I wake up!" The figure said, before vanishing in front of his eyes. "(Y/N)! COME BACK!" he called out, but she was already gone.

(End of Flashback...)

When Rengoku's bentos came, "No thank you, sorry for that, give it to those who need it more than I do." Rengoku said, paying for the bentos and then walking off. "Sorry (Y/N)... I'm so sorry..."


- Rengoku didn't want to disappoint you, but he ordered 10 bentos less than he usually orders.

- Yes, Kanao is a love interest now!

- Giyuu was under a lot of stress, and he was worried about you a lot, so he snapped at Rengoku.


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