Chapter 39: Kidnapped by the DEE-HEE-MONZ

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Nobody's P.O.V.

"Muzan-sama, the girl you asked for." Gyokko presented (Y/N) to Muzan. Muzan smirked "Here Gyokko, more of my blood." Muzan injected Gyokko with his blood. Gyokko squealed in joy, and left to find Hantegu, who was back in the swordsmiths village. "I've finally found you, now, to get you to become a demon..." Muzan trailed off, as he put (Y/N) in a futon.

After a small while, (Y/N) woke up. "Good, you've woken up." Muzan said, making his presence known. "Gah! The hell!? Where am I!?" (Y/N) yelled in panic. She was about to take her nirichin blade out, but when she noticed it wasn't there, she got full-on terrified. "Now, be a good girl, and drink this." Muzan said sternly, giving (Y/N) a cup of his blood.

(Y/N) obeyed hesitantly. She took the cup, and drank the blood, but never swallowed. Muzan knew this, "(Y/N), swallow the blood." he said sternly. (Y/N) swallowed the blood, knowing she couldn't do anything. Muzan waited, but nothing happened. "Why aren't you turning into a demon!?" Muzan questioned. (Y/N) then felt odd. Muzan forced more of his blood into (Y/N).

(Y/N) never transformed, but fainted. "Why won't you transform into a demon!?" Muzan shrieked in disbelief. "Kokushibo, take (Y/N) and put her in a room." Muzan ordered. "Yes, Muzan-sama." Kokushibou obeyed, lifted (Y/N) up, took her to a room, and laid her on a futon. Kokushibo then kept watch over (Y/N), in case she woke up.

(smol time skip...)

Kokushibo's P.O.V.

I was still keeping watch over the girl Muzan told me to watch over. She then finally woke up. "You! Get me outta here!" she said pointing at me. How dense can this girl be? I shook my head in disbelief. I then replied, "You're going to have to stay here for a while." I told her, before leaving. As soon as I was out of the room, I felt something cold and sharp grazing the front of my neck, "I said, get me out of here." I heard the girl say in a stern voice from behind, I only noticed right now, that she had my sword, that was still made of nirichin, about to slice my neck.

When I let my guard down, as I was leaving the room, she was able to take my blade without me noticing. She must be even more of a skilled swords person than Yoriichi was then. My eyes widened in realization. Even Muzan wouldn't be able to defeat her. I lead her way out of the infinity fortress. I then felt my head then hit the ground. "Thanks Kokushibou, or maybe I should call you... Michikatsu." I heard the girl say. My eyes widened. I took a last glance at the girl, she had burgundy eyes, but had demon-like slits in them. She had sharp teeth, and claw-like nails, along with the same flame-like mark on her forehead. She looked similar to Yoriichi.

I felt something stab my back, like a needle. "Better take this to Tamayo..." I heard the girl trail off. She put her hands together, "Please let this man become a better person the next time he's reborn." she prayed. I felt tears leave my eyes, as I completely degenerated.

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