Chapter 38: Train till You GAIN Tanji!

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Nobody's P.O.V.

"I'm gonna DIE!!!" Tanjiro screeched as he was thrown onto the ground. "(Y/N)-nee! You're so strong! Stronger than that kelphead probably!" Kotetsu said. "Kotetsu! I told you not to call Mochi a kelphead. In fact, I like styling his hair!" (Y/N) said gently. "But (Y/N)-nee!" Kotetsu whined. "Nuh-uh Kotetsu." (Y/N) scolded. "Awww..." Kotetsu sulked. (Y/N) sighed, went to Kotetsu, lifted him of the ground and hugged him. "Kotetsu, you shouldn't be that harsh on Mochi, he might save you one day, he's just a bit... inconsiderate sometimes. But once you get to know him, he'll warm up to you!" (Y/N) explained.

(Y/N) let Kotetsu go, and he nodded determined. "Yes! I'll try my best to be friends! But in the meantime, Tanjiro-san needs to train to the bone!" Kotetsu said, pointing to a beat-up looking Tanjiro. "Alright... I'll try..." Tanjiro said. "Well, I think we all need a break. I'm going to take a nap now, ok?" (Y/N) said, knowing Tanjiro needed a break. Tanjiro gave (Y/N) a grateful nod, and (Y/N) nodded back with a smile.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Hopefully Kotetsu doesn't cause any trouble for Tanjiro while I'm taking my beauty rest..." I thought, before getting into my futon, and sleeping like a log. It's been a long time since I've slept this well.

Gyokko's P.O.V.

I was looking for that girl Muzan-sama was talking about. She seemed to visit this village. I then saw her, the description of her was quite unusual for Muzan-sama to say, but I see the description really fit the said girl perfectly.

(Gyokko's flashback...)

"Gyutaro and Daki have been killed, I didn't mind anyway, but Gyokko, go with Hantegu to the swordsmiths village, it seems she's heading there." Muzan-sama said.

"Yes, Muzan-sama." we replied.

"The girl has smooth (S/T) skin, (H/L) (H/C) hair, big (E/C) eyes, and has a crimson sword. Look for her, and bring her to me as soon as you've found her." Muzan-sama instructed.

"Yes, your wish is our command." me and Hantegu said, before biwa lady teleported us to a dark shed in the swordsmiths village.

(Flashback end...)

"So this must be the girl Muzan-sama was interested in, hyo, hyo!..." I thought. She seemed to get ready to sleep. Luckily, she sleeps like a log. I had one of my pots there as well, so I was able to transport there easily. I was able to abduct the girl, leaving her sword, in case she attacks. I then transported back into one of the pots I made at the infinity fortress. "Muzan-sama will be so pleased! Hyo, hyo!" I thought happily.


Taisho Secrets

- Yes, you were abducted by Muzan's dee-hee-mons. I warned you!

- Gyokko wanted to make you his 'masterpiece', but we all know he'd get slaughtered by Muzan.

- Kotetsu is giving Tanjiro trouble, with more training and starving poor Tanji.


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