Giyuu x reader

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(B/N) = Boy name

(G/N) = Girl name

Nobody's P.O.V.

"Eh? Giyuu wha-!?" (Y/N) was cut off by Giyuu kissing her. "(Y/N)... please marry me- it's fine if you don't wa-" Giyuu was cut off by (Y/N) kissing him back. "YES!!! A MILLION- no wait- INFINITY TIMES YES!!!" (Y/N) exclaimed. Giyuu smiled.

"You may have gotten (Y/N), but I'm happy if she's happy!" Rengoku said to Giyuu, as (Y/N) and Giyuu were happily married. "Yeah. She is happy, with me." Giyuu said. "Jealous are we?" Rengoku said laughing. Giyuu also laughed. "Heyyyy! What's going on here! You guys are the only ones who are late! Everyone's waiting!" (Y/N) scolded. "Coming darling!" Giyuu exclaimed before smiling and following his wife.

(In the present...)

"Oi, (G/N), we're going to be late." (B/N) stated calmly. (G/N) covered herself with the blanket before dozing off again. "Oh well, suit yourself, I'm leaving." (B/N) said, before leaving the house for school.

(10 mins later...)

"AYO WTF WHY DIDN'T HE WAKE ME UP!?!?" (G/N) shouted as she rushed to school. She was able to catch up to (B/N) as he was walking to school. "Hm? Why are you out of breath (G/N)?" (B/N) asked sarcastically. "Why tf didn't you wake me up!?" (G/N) raged. "Don't be such an old hag and get some proper sleep, you watch TV and read comics 'till 3 am." (B/N) sighed. (G/N) pouted. "Yeah, yeah, I guess." she said, as they made it on time to school.

"(G/N) what did you bring that was from one of your ancestors?" the history teacher asked. "Huh? Oh, there was this cool photo, I think it was my great grandparents wedding photo... yeah, they used to be demon slayers! Cool right!?" (G/N) explained. "Wow! So cool!" the class awed. "Yeah! Mom says me and my bro look just like them! 'Cause I have black hair and (E/C) eyes, while (B/N) has (H/C) hair and blue eyes, with a hint of (E/C) too!" (G/N) exclaimed. "Yeah, I guess we do..." (B/N) trailed off, he was casually walking down the halls, only to see his younger sister standing on the desk shouting about the photo. They smiled at eachother, and continued with their classes.

The End...

Smol (A/N): Pls follow me on tik tok! im_kakash1_hatak3 is my account! Arigato!

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