Chapter 13: Playtime

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Nobody's P.O.V

Susamaru threw her 2 temari balls towards the group as she laughed again. "Turns out you were right Yahaba! This building just materialized out of nowhere!" Susamaru said. "Huh, the handiwork of someone using their blood demon art that can hide objects. What is with these demons?" Yahaba said. Susamaru laughed again and said, "Isn't this fun?" "I have to say Susamaru, your way of doing things is just so immature. Utterly careless, you splattered me. My kimono is covered with dust." Yahaba said sternly. "Oh stop whining, who cares about dust, my temari just uncovered their hiding place, and now the real fun begins!" Susamaru said excitedly as she threw her temari balls again.

"Stop splattering me!" Yahaba scolded. "Stop being so uptight! Your kimono looks just fine to me. And look..." Susamaru said, and laughed again. As the dust cleared out, (Y/N) was in front of them with her sword in front of her. She then cut herself and said, "Let's end this quickly, Gen Z breathing, Fifth form: Demon's summon..." then her demon appeared and (Y/N) tossed her nirichin sword to her demon. "As you wish," the demon said and showed a sadistic smile to Yahaba and Susamaru.

Tanjio and Nezuko decided to help, so Yushiro gave Tanjiro a talisman so he could see the arrows, but they still got hurt in the process. (Y/N) said to step out of the fighting range for now, so she could use her attacks better, and as the sun was almost rising, Tamayo and Yushiro took Nezuko to the basement, and (Y/N) took her demon back into her sword, as Tanjiro and (Y/N) were fighting Yahaba and Susamaru. They delivered their last few attacks as (Y/N) cut off Susamaru's head and Tanjiro cut off Yahaba's head. The two demons degenerated as the rest prayed for them. Then Tanjiro asked (Y/N) if these demons were a demon moon. "Sorry Tanji, they aren't. But let's take their blood for Tamayo anyways." (Y/N) replied.

They took the needle Tamayo gave them and collected Susamaru's blood. But as Yahaba was almost about to degenerate, he sent some arrows and since (Y/N) and Tanjiro were off guard, they were lifted by the arrows and crashed around by them. At this point, (Y/N) and Tanjiro have a few broken bones and bruises. As Yahaba finally degenerated, they were dropped to the ground with a loud 'thud'.

The sun finally rose as Susamaru finally finished degenerating. The 2 teens went back inside Tamayo's house. "Miss Tamayo? Hey, Yushiro?" they called. "We're over here." Yushiro called from the basement. They went towards the sound. "You really don't need to come down, but if you want to, hurry it up." Yushiro said again. "Yushiro!" Tamayo scolded. "Just kidding!" Yushiro quickly said. "It's alright, come on down then, Tanjiro, (Y/N)." Tamayo said.

Tanjiro and (Y/N) came down to the basement. As soon as they were down, they were both engulfed in a hug by Nezuko. "Nezuko!" they cooed happily. As Tanjiro and Tamayo were talking, Nezuko went up to Tamayo and hugged her, then head-patted Yushiro. Tanjiro and (Y/N) were explaining why Nezuko was acting like this. She saw Tamayo and Yushiro as family. Tamayo teared up while Tanjiro panicked. "Thank you, thank you so much, Nezuko." Tamayo said.

(Y/N) and Tanjiro smiled. "Yushiro and I will be leaving this region. We're too close to Kibutsuji now. It's far too risky to stay here, we need a new place to hide." Tamayo said. (Y/N) and Nezuko were chilling with each other beside Tanjiro as they continued to talk. "Would you like Nezuko to come with us?" Tamayo asked. Nezuko then held (Y/N)'s and Tanjiro's hand and looked at them.

"Miss Tamayo, thank you for your concern, but," Tanjiro paused. "Nezuko's staying with us. We're never gonna separate." (Y/N) continued. "Never again." Tanjiro finished. "Yes I understand. Well, I wish you good fortune then." Tamayo said. "Alright. We will be leaving as soon as we cover our tracks. You should get moving as well." Yushiro said. "You're right, and good luck. Thank you for you've done for us." Tanjiro bowed. (Y/N) went up to Tamayo and Yushiro and pulled them into a hug. "Yes, thank you, for everything you've done." (Y/N) said. Yushiro blushed while Tamayo hugged back. (Y/N) then pulled away. "Let's go!" (Y/N) said while running up the stairs with Nezuko.

"Hey! That doesn't mean you need to run!" Tanjiro yelled, shortly following after, but before he climbed up the stairs, "Tanjiro!" Yushiro called. Tanjiro looked back. "Your little sister, I guess she is a beauty. And your friend there, she is very beautiful." Yushiro said while looking away and blushing a little. Tanjiro chuckled and left along with Nezuko and (Y/N).

"Well, this is where we part again, Tanji." (Y/N) said as Tanjiro had to go to another mission while Aozora told (Y/N) to go back to headquarters. "Yeah, good luck, (Y/N)!" Tanjiro said as (Y/N) left while his crow pestered him. "Yeah! You too. Tanji!" (Y/N) shouted back while she waved back while running the opposite direction of Tanjiro.


Taisho Secrets

- Tamayo noticed Yushiro had a small crush on you.

- Nezuko didn't like you because she thought of you as family, infact, Nezuko likes you as the person you are.

- Nezuko secretly ships you with Tanjiro in her mind.


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