Iguro x reader

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(G/N) = Girl name

(B/N) = Boy name

Nobody's P.O.V.

"Ayo what the hell- oh hey obaa-chan!" (Y/N) exclaimed waving at the blushing Obanai. "Uhm, (Y/N)... will you... marry me? Because of my filthy bloodline i understand if you don't accept my proposal and-" as Obanai was rambling (Y/N) took off the bandages covering his face and kissed him.

"Isn't it obvious? I LOVE YOU AND HELL YEAH IMMA MARRY YOU!" (Y/N) yelled, probably the whole demon slayer corps could hear. And of course, they married happily and the wedding was a blast! Kaburamaru was the 'brides-snake' of honor and everyone had fun.

(In the present...)

"Uh, (B/N) aren't we a little to early?" (G/N) asked her (H/C) haired brother and his turquoise and yellow eyes. "I dunno, early bird gets the worm I guess." he replied to his ravenette and (E/C) eyed sister, who always had a snake scaled pendant necklace. Yes, she had a strange attraction to snakes, as if they were talking to each other. Her brother always stared at the wedding photo of his great-grandparents wedding. A memorable one. 

The End...

Smol (A/N): Pls follow me on tik tok! im_kakash1_hatak3 is my account! Tysm!

Demon slayer x fem! modern reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now