Chapter 10: Micheal- I mean, Muzan Kibutsuji

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Nobody's P.O.V.

" Hahhhhhh" (Y/N) yawned. "Huh, I bet it's around 4 in the morning..." (Y/N) said groggily. "Lady (Y/N)! Lady (Y/N)! Head to Asakusa Tokyo! Rumor has it, that a demon's lurking around there!" Aozora said from the window sill. "Thanks Aozora. Here, I forgot to give you your treat for being good!" (Y/N) said, giving her bird some seeds. She slipped on her uniform and haori, tied her hair, grabbed her crimson sword, then ran out of her estate.

She then told a kakushi that she was going out on a mission, and ran towards her destination. She also met Tanjiro on the way, so he travelled with her to the same destination. Once they reached the city, it was nighttime, so Tanjiro took Nezuko out of her box. Nezuko and (Y/N) both hugged and shared head pats before continuing. Tanjiro then had wide eyes and mouth agape once he saw the crowd.

"Don't worry Tanji! Let's go somewhere less crowded. Tanjiro and (Y/N) weaved through the people, and found an udon stall. They sat down and Tanjiro ordered 2 udons. "So, how's life going Tanji?" (Y/N) asked. "Pretty good, but tiring. But we have to cure Nezuko!" Tanjiro said, about to eat his udon, but dropped it with a shocked expression. (Y/N) put the udon on the bench as she got up as well. They nodded at each other and ran through the crowd.

Muzan's P.O.V.

I was walking with my 'wife' and 'child' when I felt a VERY powerful aura coming towards me. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw 2 kids. They carried swords. "Shit" I cursed in my mind. Though, the powerful aura earlier came from the girl, not the boy. "She might make a powerful demon..." I thought. The boy was about to take his sword but then-

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Daddy?" the little girl called. Muzan fully turned around fully and a little girl was in his arms. "Who's that?" she asked innocently. "I feel BAAAAD. Sure he look hawt and be Michael Jackson but the poor, poor chile dude." I thought withe a cringe face while Tanji looked sick, like he's gonna puke. Muzan composed himself and said to us, "I'm sorry, is there something I can do for you? Are you alright? You seem to be a bit flustered." like nothing ever happened. Then his 'wife' came and asked "Darling, what's the matter?". "Don't worry mother!" the little girl replied innocently. Me and Tanjiro were drowning in our thoughts when I remembered that this is when Muzan transformed a person into a demon. I jumped to where the man should be but a person in the crowd pushed me back.The man Muzan scratched acted violently and bit his fiancee on the shoulder. Muzan looked at me one more time while I glared at him.


Taisho Secrets

- Muzan wanted to scratch you instead, but since a person in the crowd pushed you back, he wasn't able to.

- Muzan will capture you soon

- You won't tell the hashiras about Muzan, but you will tell Oyakata-sama since you need to report your missions either way.

Bonus: If you haven't read the Gen Z Breathing Forms (Chapter before this one), you will be VERY confused during the ongoing chapters.


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