Chapter 3: My body hurts like hell!!!

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2nd P.O.V (you/your)

Tanjiro and you eventually woke up. It was now nighttime and Tanjiro was writing everything he did in a journal for Nezuko when she woke up. You felt sad that Nezuko wouldn't wake up anytime soon, but you had to stay positive for Tanjiro. When Tanjiro then finished writing, he closed the journal and blew out the candle. He looked at you with a worried expression and went out of the room. Once he was out, along with you, he took a long glance at Nezuko, still with his worried expression, and then closed the door. "Man, I feel bad for the dude." you thought. 

You were then lectured by Urokodaki on demons and demon slayers, which you already knew of since you watched the anime and read the manga thousands of times. Urokodaki then told you, "I am a trainer. I literally train swordsmen. There are many trainers, and each of them trains their pupils with their own regimen in their location. To join the Demon Slayer corps, you must survive the Final Selection process held on Mt. Fujikasane. Whether or not you're eligible for Final Selection is up to me." You were then told to go descend the mountain again along with Tanjiro. 

You both set off determined to be demon slayers and pass final selection. You were told to do this every. single. day. Learning to avoid all the traps. You and Tanjiro became stronger, and improved your senses. Though, the traps get harder and harder every time. You would still say encouraging things every now and then, such as "We can do it Tanji!" and "We have to work hard for Nezuko!" and so on, but you on the other hand, was on the verge of depression. When Tanjiro set off multiple traps, they were literally knives, spikes, and other deadly stuff that could legit kill you. "THE FUQ OLD MAN?!?! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US BEFORE DEMONS DO?!?!" you screeched as you accidentally forgot about the pitfall full of metal spikes. Once you and Tanjiro made it through the mountain, Tanjiro wrote in his journal again while you were asleep already. He closed his journal as he peered over Nezuko with a worried expression, then glanced over to you as a soft smile appeared on his lips, before going to bed.

(time skip brought to you by old man Urokodaki)

Today you both descended the mountain with a sword in hand. It messed with your movements a lot, so you and Tanjiro got caught in most of the traps, but mostly Tanjiro. You swung your swords every single day after descending the mountain. You and Tanjiro literally felt like your arms could fall off. As soon as both of you finished 1000 sword swings, Urokodaki then came and told you both to do 500 more. "OLD MAN! MY ARMS ARE GONNA FALL OF SO YA BETTER GLUE 'EM TOGETHER!!!" you yelled, as you did your sword swings. When you were both done training, Tanjiro went to write in his journal. He fell asleep midway, so you decided to carry him over and place him on his futon before falling to sleep on yours. 

The next day, you and Tanjiro were lectured about swords by Urokodaki. "If you ever damage the blade, in other words, break it, I'll snap your bones as well." he threatened. Day after day, month after month, you both trained as hard as you could. You also had days where you and Tanjiro would get thrown around by the old man, training to break your fall and get back up from any position. Soon after, you were now learning forms and total concentration breathing. You already knew total concentration breathing, so you were now doing it constant. Though, you could never get the hang of water breathing, so you created your own breathing style somewhat similar to it. It was called 'Gen Z breathing' since you were from that 'generation'. Urokodaki was utterly confused and so was Tanjiro, but they decided not to question since you were quite different from them in the first place. You continued to practice your breathing forms, and so did Tanjiro. It would be funny to watch Tanjiro train, while you were doing it all correctly and still doing total concentration breathing while you were at it. 

It was now 6 months since Nezuko was awake. You comforted Tanjiro each time, giving him hugs and head pats whenever he was worried. He would still get flustered, but he focused on giving you the encouragement you needed as well. You also told him that Nezuko probably sleeps so she could recover. He calmed down a little after you said that. When Urokodaki summoned a doctor to examine Nezuko, he said she was completely fine. But Tanjiro was still scared. You comforted him and he would reassure you that he was fine by returning the gestures you did, for example, hugging you back or even giving you head pats now and then. You descended the mountain again, but this time the air was even thinner. Again and again, you and Tanjiro think you really might die. You both improved each day though, slicing the death traps and blocking kives and rocks with your swords. 

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