Chapter 35: Yoriichi Type Zero

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Woah, what's that!?" Tanjiro asked. "I think Mochi started training..." I say. "Over here." Kotetsu started to lead us towards the noise. When tanjiro saw it, he was shocked. "That... is the battle doll my ancestors made long ago."

Tanjiro's P.O.V.

I was shocked. "I know this face... I've seen it somewhere before." I thought. "It's arms... Why does it have 6?" I trailed off. "It's arms? Well, according to my dad...this doll is modeled after an actual swordsman. They had to give it 6 arms, or they couldn't replicate his movements." the boy said. "I feel like I know him, but I don't know why..." I wondered. "So who is this person? What exactly did he do?" I asked the boy. "Sorry, I don't know the details either... but it dates back to the Sengoku era." the little boy said.

"S-Sengoku!? You mean... it's more than 300 years old!? How has it not broken after all this time!?" I asked surprised. "It's construction is so superb that we can't hope to achieve that level, even now. So if it breaks, we can't fix it anymore..." the little boy explains. My dad died suddenly, and I have no siblings. So I have to be the one to fix it. But I don't have the talent to fix blades or dolls..." the boy admitted. "So that's why... I see. I see..." I said in understanding. "This amazing. He's just as young as I am... but he's talented..." the child trailed off. 

"Well of course! That boy is a descendant of the sun breath users!" a scratchy voice called out. We looked back to see a crow. "Haha! He's a genius! He's completely different from you. Hoho! Hoho!" it said. "Tokito-kun's crow? The sun breath is the original he's really amazing... but he doesn't use the sun breath..." I say. "Shut the hell up!!! I'll gouge your eyes out!!!" Tokito-kun's crow started pulling on my cheek with its beak. "Ginko, stop." I heard (Y/N)'s voice. Ginko, which seemed to be Tokito-kun's crow's name, immediately let go, and perched on (Y/N)'s shoulder, "What did I tell you about hurting people?" (Y/N) sounded disappointed in Ginko. "Fine, sorry." Ginko told me. "Ah! It's ok!" I said. 

I then remembered something, "Oh! The dream I saw! I saw him in a dream!" I say, pointing at the mechanical battle doll. "What? You're a total moron. Have you ever come to this village before? You're being so delusional that you make me laugh. So you know a warrior from the Sengoku era? How old are you?" Tokito-kun's crow asked me.


Taisho Secrets

- Aozora and Ginko are best friends.

- Muichiro was surprised when Ginko listened to you, since Ginko isn't friendly to other people.

- Ginko thinks you're impressive and beautiful. You give Ginko snacks every once in awhile, as well as Aozora.


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