Chapter 15: Holy Fuq!

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(This is not part of the original plot, but you need to go on missions so yah. What happens in this is VERY IMPORTANT so DO NOT skip this chapter, and this is NOT a fill in chapter either. MANGA SPOILERS!)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Dad sent me on a new mission. There was a village rumoured to have a powerful demon lurking there, so dad told me to slay it. Aozora led me to the village. I was walking around when I saw a familiar temple. I then realized, "Holy FUQ! This is Douma's temple!" So now, I gotta investigate. I told Aozora to tell dad I need to investigate this village. She went off to deliver the message. I started running towards the temple but stopped mid-way. "Good thing I carry a spare disguise..." I thought as I pulled out a disguise from nowhere and put it over my uniform in an alleyway, and did my hair differently, though I kept Urokodaki's gift on. I'll never take that hairpin off. (You wore what was below. Last time I'll type this, credits go to me and the website I used.)

Luckily, the disguise was able to cover my sword

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Luckily, the disguise was able to cover my sword. I ran to the temple where 2 men were guarding it, and I then put my acting skills on, "Help! Help! I need help! Please take me in! My father and mother left me, and no one will take me in! Please help!" I 'pleaded'. "Oh no! Don't worry, our leader will help you!" one of the men said. He then lead me through the temples to big doors. He knocked. "Oh great one! We have a new member wanting to join the cult! Best yet, she's a female!" the man said happily. "Oh! Do send her in!" A happy voice said, though it wasn't genuinely happy. It was more emotionless.

The man opened the door and then said "Go on, talk to the great one!" So I went in. When Douma got a good look at me his eyes slightly widened. "Wonderful, you may leave while I talk to this young lady." Douma said to the man. When the man left, Douma then turned to me. "So, you're that demon slayer he was talking about. I'm surprised he found you interesting, too bad for me I can't eat you." Douma said fake-smiling.

I then took out my hidden sword and took a battling stance. His eyes widened slightly again. But before he could take out his fans, he was teleported to the infinity fortress for an upper moon meeting. "Shit..." I mumbled. I then had to return to headquarters since Aozora said we had a hashira meeting soon.

(Time skip to the Hashira meeting)

When I got there, I knew exactly what this was about...


Taisho Secrets

- Douma thought you were pretty, so he wanted to keep you alive until you got old.

- Muzan knew what Douma was thinking and got a little mad.

- Douma knew he wouldn't be able to defeat you, so he was slightly glad that Muzan teleported him back.


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