Chapter 47: Big Battle!

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Nobody's P.O.V.

All of you were now falling into the infinity fortress. "YOU SERIOUSLY THOUGHT YOU COULD CORNER ME? YOU'RE ALL GOING TO HELL NOW!!! YOU PATHETIC DEMON HUNTER PESTS. I'M SLAUGHTERING YOU ALL TONIGHT!" Muzan screeched. "YOU'RE THE ONE GOING TO HELL, MUZAN!!! YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY! WE WILL DEFEAT YOU FOR SURE!!!" (Y/N) shouted before falling in through the shoji doors. "Come and get me if you can! (L/N), (Y/N)!" Muzan exclaimed as he also fell in through another shoji door. 

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

'Why the fuck is this infinity fortress so mixed up!?" I cursed in my brain. 'Oh shit Tamayo might die! I need to save her!' I thought as I rushed in the way to where I assumed Muzan was absorbing Tamayo. As I was running, I saw Shinobu fighting Douma. "Shinobu!!!" I shouted, but she was too focused on attacking Douma.

Douma looked at me, "Well, isn't it the little demon princess, (L/N) (Y/N). Come join us! You're uppermoon 0 after all!" Douma said smiling, although there was no emotion. "Never!" I seethed as I started to also attack him. Although I noticed I wasn't in full power, I was still recovering, or I would've killed Douma by now. "Shinobu!!! I'll let you finish him off! Stop the bleeding!" I yelled while still keeping my eyes on the target. (You were wearing what was below btw)

"GEN Z BREATHING! SECOND FORM: SLEEPING BEAUTY'S CURSE!!!" I yelled as I stabbed Douma's torso

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"GEN Z BREATHING! SECOND FORM: SLEEPING BEAUTY'S CURSE!!!" I yelled as I stabbed Douma's torso. The effect started working, as his movements became slurred. "Shinobu now!" I cued as I tossed her my crimson blade, and she used as much power as she could with her arms, and was able to cut Douma's head off.

We didn't have time to mourn for Douma's death, so we quickly rushed out to find more demons. At this point, I was most likely at full strength, but I needed to save it so Muzan could die, and I have to make sure Tanjiro doesn't turn into a demon. "(Y/N), arigato!" Shinobu said as we dodged the shoji screens. "No problem Nee-san!" I said as we were able to find Kanao and Inosuke later on.

We all decided to spread out, so we could kill more demons. "Gen Z breathing! Fifth form: Demon's summoning!" I said as I cut myself and let a drop of blood on my sword. "Use blood demon art to teleport me to Tanjiro!" I said as the demon said "Blood demon art: Teleportation portal!" and I was teleported to Tanjiro and Giyuu who were now fighting upper moon 3, Akaza. "Well, well, isn't it (L/N) (Y/N)..." Akaza smirked.


Taisho Secrets

- Shinobu was VERY happy when you called her Nee-san (which means older sister)

- Muzan's plan was to take you and go, but the Hasiras came and Tamayo was able to stop him.

- The Kanao edit above was made by me! Do you mind subscribing to my channel please? No? That's alright! How about liking one of my edits? No? That's ok too! I'm thankful for you reading this fanfic!


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