Gen Z Breathing Forms!!!

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First Form: Slice da sandwich

Description: The first slice is vertical. The second slice is diagonal, it can be left-right or right-left diagonally. The last slice is horizontal, meant for slicing the demon's neck. These slices move at the speed of lightning, even lower moons can't move at that speed.

Second form: Sleeping Beauty's curse

Description: This is a simple, but extremely deadly move. All the swords-person has to do is stab the opponent in the torso and the form will start from there. The demon will go into a deep sleep, and the swords-person can easily cut off their head. This form works on some upper moons.

Third form: Satan's will to kill ya

Description: This form also moves at the speed of lightning, even faster. The swords-person runs towards the opponent and slices an X. If sliced on the torso, the demon will degenerate.

Fourth form: Demon transformation

Description: This is a form where the swords-person will transform into a demon. This demon form is stronger than Kokushibo, but not stronger than Muzan. This form also has its disadvantages. After 1 hour, the demon form will wear out and the swords-person will sleep for 2 whole weeks. If the demon form is exposed to sunlight, the swords-person will die. (Picture below is your demon form. Credits go to me and the website I used.)

Fifth form: Demon's summon

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Fifth form: Demon's summon

Description: This is not a form. Instead, the swords-person must cut themself (the cut can be small) and at least a drop of their blood must fall on their sword. They then mumble "Gen Z Breathing, Fifth form: Demon's summon..." as soon as they say that, a demon will appear and do as they wish. They have the same strength as the swords-person. Though, if the demon gets hit and won't be able to regenerate, it will affect the user. (The demon below will be summoned. Credits to me and the website I used. This is the OC I was talking about in the Taisho Secrets.)

Sixth Form: God's call from heaven

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Sixth Form: God's call from heaven

Description: This is the last and final known form. It's the deadliest after all. The swords-person will transform into an angel and will emit a bright light that will kill the target in the swords-angel's mind. The target won't be able to escape and will be killed on the spot. However, the swords-angel will also die and will live as an angel in heaven. However, there is one last form to help the swords-person to survive, and still kill the target.  (Picture below is your angel form. Credits go to me and the website I used.)

Seventh form: ERROR

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Seventh form: ERROR

Description: ERROR

Smol (A/N): Pls follow me on tik tok! im_kakash1_hatak3 is my account! Arigato!

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