Tanjiro x reader

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(G/N) = Girl name

(B/N) = Boy name

Nobody's P.O.V.

"Huh? Tanji what are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked as Tanjiro was looking flustered. "Uhm, well... (Y/N)-chan I... I LOVE YOU! PLEASE MARRY ME!" Tanjiro said as red as a tomato. "Of course! I LUV YOU MAH LIL' CINNAMON ROLL EST BOIIII!!!" (Y/N) exclaimed happily.

They both married each other happily. Sure, Inosuke and Zenitsu were getting a little too close to you (for Tanjiro at least) at the wedding, but Tanjiro being the kindhearted chile he was let them be, since he knew you loved him and he loved you. The wedding photo was cute too, everyone was happy and wearing their demon slayer uniforms for their last photo together.

(In the present...)

(B/N) and (G/N) were already awake. Why? They were suspended from school for a day. Why? Because they were causing trouble in the halls and started a chase with the teachers. Obviously the (H/C) haired twins with burgundy eyes were smart, but they were troublesome. What were they doing now? Being loud and talking about a very special photo.

"Hey look! That pig head guy could be in peppa pig!" (G/N) shouted. "Yeah! And that mop head dude could be the french fries at Mcdonalds!" (B/N) shouted as well. "WOULD YALL SHUT THE HELL UP!?" "Sorry old hag!" the twins shouted. "I AINT EVEN THAT OLD!"

The End...

Smol (A/N): Pls follow me on tik tok! im_kakash1_hatak3 is my account! Arigato!

Demon slayer x fem! modern reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now