Chapter 30: Back to consciousness

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Tanjiro's P.O.V.

I hear Uzui-san's footsteps approaching me. "Eh?! You have another demon in tow?!" Uzui-san seemed surprised. "Eh? No, this is (Y/N)'s demon form." I said. "But she has to turn back to her human form as soon as she passes out. I don't know why she's still in this form, but it seems she over-used her breath form." I explain. "Ah, I've heard about (Y/N) having a demon breath form from Shinobu." Uzui-san said. I then heard voices. I gave Uzui-san (Y/N), and I saw Daki and Gyutaro fighting. Near them was a pool of their blood. I shot the needle Tamayo gave me, and the needle sucked up the blood. I gave the needle to Tamayo's cat, and when it disappeared, I went closer to the heads of Daki and Gyutaro so I could hear their conversation properly.

Nobody's P.O.V.

"Why didn't you save me!?" Daki shouted.

"I couldn't! That demon's blood demon art was too powerful!" Gyutaro shouted back.

"I mean, you didn't even do shit, so you could've finished some brats off!" Gyutaro blurted out.

"The you could've manipulated me to do that! And yet you didn't do anything! You let your guard down!" Daki hollered.

They continued fighting as Tanjiro watched in surprise and confusion.

"I'm sure you're not blood related to me at all. I mean, we don't even look alike!" Daki continued, "You're so useless! Your only good point is that you're strong. Nothing else. Once you lose, you have no worth at all! A deadbeat failure, who's unsightly to boot!"

"Don't joke around! If you were alone, you'd definitely be dead! I saved your ass so many times! You're the one who's a deadbeat failure! You're weak, and have no good points! Now I'm truly regretting the times I've protected a suker like you! If you weren't there, I would've had a different life! If only you weren't there! Why am I the one to clean up all your damn messes! Things would've been great if only you weren't bor-!!!" Gyutaro was cut off by Tanjiro putting his hand over his mouth, "That's a lie." Tanjiro said.

"You honestly don't think that. It's all a lie. Just try to get along. All you siblings have left in this world is each other. Nobody's going to forgive you for what you've done. You're hated and despised by all the people you've killed, and now they're disparaging you. No person will be your ally. That's why the two of you shouldn't be cursing at each other right now." Tanjiro said with a sad expression, nearly in tears.

"WAAAAAAAHHH! You're so annoying! Don't just lecture us! Go away, shitty brat! Go somewhere else! This sucks! This sucks! Do something onii-chan! I don't wanna dieee! Onii-!" before Daki could finish, she degenerated. "UME!!!" Gyutaro shouted.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I bet I'm sleeping right now. I pretty much over-used my demon form, for more than 1 hour, 2 hours even. I soon find myself in a dark void. I see Gyutaro and Ume as well. "Onii-chan!!! Eww! I hate this place. Where are we?" Ume asked. "Your appearance..." Gyutaro trailed off and turned around to leave. "Is that the exit?" Ume asked. "Don't follow me anymore." Gyutaro said. They argued for a bit. Daki was tearing up. I was shocked when she didn't run after Gyutaro like in the anime or manga. Instead she looked down in tears. I decided to step in. I took Ume's hand and led her to Gyutaro. She had wide eyes. I took Gyutaro's hand and he snapped his head back. I glared at him. "You didn't forget the promise you made to her did you?" I asked. They made eye contact with each other for a moment. "No." He replied. I put Ume's hand in Gyutaro's and said, "You must stay together no matter what. Dead here, or alive in your next life, you must stay together and support each other. The world isn't about revenge, it's about forgiveness." I said.

They made eye contact again before having a bit of hope in their eyes. They nodded at me in gratefulness, before going on their path to hell, still holding hands.


Taisho Secrets

- Tanjiro was surprised when Tengen didn't know you're demon-appearance.

- Ume and Gyutaro didn't realize you were the demon the defeated them.

- Gyutaro and Daki were so in the heat of the moment, that they didn't pay attention to how you knew the promise that they made together.


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