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Hiccup's P.O.V.

Today is the day we graduate. It's the day where we say goodbye to school and out teachers. To some friends and our ex's. The day where we don't have to worry about seeing out enemy's anymore. That means we don't have to see Merida anymore after today. What a relief!

I'm downstairs making breakfast while Astrid is upstairs sleeping. Astrid's father allowed Astrid to live with me and my father, if she agrees to visit more. And we have been visiting them. We visit them every weekend, and sleep over every now and then.

Astrid is now 5 months pregnant. So we've decided that she wasn't going to walk across the stage. She feels a little uncomfortable standing up there in front of the whole school and community with her baby bump. I understand it completely, that's why I'll be grabbing her diploma for her. The principle said it was okay if I did.

She'll be sitting with her family. My fathers going to be on stage giving us our diplomas because he's the Mayor, and that's what he does. Her sister is going to be walking down with us, of course. But the thing I'm dreading about today is that I have to give a speech. I'm the valedictorian of the class. That means I have to give a speech, also because I'm the Mayor's son. As the Mayor's son, I HAVE to give a speech, not matter what.

I finish making breakfast and serve some on a plate. I get a tray and place it on there, along with a cup of milk. I place a small case with flowers on it and head upstairs. I head to my bedroom and open the door quietly. I look to see Astrid still sleeping, so I walk in and place the tray on the bedside table.

I sit next to Astrid on the bed and kiss her lips gently. "Good morning M'lady." I whisper.

She flutters her eyes open and smiles up at me. "Morning." She replies tiredly.

"I made you breakfast." I help her sit up and grab the tray off the bedside table. I place it next to her and kiss her again.

"Thanks you." She giggles.

"You're welcome. Now eat up, we have to leave soon." I reply. I start getting up to clean my mess up downstairs when I feel a hand gently grab my arm.

"Please stay with me." Astrid says.

"I have to clean my mess up downstairs Astrid." I chuckle.

"Please!" She pleads as she gives me her puppy eyes. Not the puppy eyes!

"Not the puppy eyes! You know I can't resit them!" I say. Instead of giving up the puppy eyes, she makes them bigger. Making it harder for me to resit. And soon enough I give in. "Alright, I'll stay with you."

"Yay!" She cheers. I chuckle and sit down next to her.

~~Hour Before Graduation~~

Astrid and I stand next to the big oak tree in the front of the school. The one where Punzie got a picture of us kissing. I have my arm wrapped around Astrid as she lays her head on my shoulder. She places her hands on her stomach and looks down at it. I smile and place my free hand on top of hers. We both smile dwon at her stomach as we hear a click go off.

"Beautiful! That's going to look perfect hanging on a wall!" Punzie squeals.

"Shhh! Punz! We can't let them know!" Elsa shout-whispered.

I watch them as they continue to playfully argue. I chuckle and turn my attention back to Astrid. I get down on one knee and place my hands on top of hers. I grab them and kiss them gently before gently laying my forehead against her stomach. I kiss it gently before standing up and looking into a giggling Astrid's eyes.

"4 more months." I smile, pressing our foreheads together.

"I know, I can't wait." She smiles.

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