Her Protector

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Before I begin, I would like to thank Emelie-Skobber1 for the idea! So credits go to her!!!! She is absolutly AMAZING!! Read her story, you'll love it!

Well I have one question for you readers, and here it is:

What do you think Blake looks like, and what do you think of him?

Leave your answers in the comments!!! I would love to know what you think about him!

Anyways, you vikings are probably getting anxious, waiting for the chapter to begin. So here you go!



Astrid's P.O.V.


I jolted up in bed hitting my head against something. I groan in unison with someone. I open my eyes to see an auburn haired boy with emerald eyes rubbing his forehead.

"Ow, that hurt." He says.

"Yea, you okay?" I ask.

'Yea, you?' He answers.


He opens his eyes and stares at me. I instently get lost in his. Their so beautiful especially for a guy. Who know a guy could have beautiful, gorgeous eyes?

My throughts were interupted when we both started leaning in toward each other. We were centimeters away before hearing a voice from downstairs.

"Hiccup! Astrid!' Breakfast is ready!" It sounded like Hiccup's father, also known as the mayor.

We both jolted at the sudden noise, causing us to bumb heads again. We both groan in pain and look at each other, then we burst out laughing. We get out of bed and Hiccup walks to his closet, looking for an outfit to wear.

"Do you have an extra pair of cloths with you?" He asks me while turning to face me.

"No, my Aunt just told me to pick some up on the way to school." I say.

"What are you gonna wear till then?" He asks.

I never thought of that. What should I wear till Im able to get new cloths? "I'll just wear what I wore yesterday." I say.

"You sure? I can lend you a shirt." He offers.

"Yea, I'm sure. But thanks for offer though." I refuse. I would LOVE to wear one of his shirts but it won't feel right. We aren't even DATING!! Although I would LOVE to go on a date with him!

"Here. Wear this." He tosses me a green t-shirt.

"What? No! I can wear my cloths til I get to my house." I refuse again.

"No, I insist. Just wear it till we get to your house, okay?" He gives me his signature grin, which I just happen to fall head over heals for.

'Okay! Fine! I'll wear your shirt!" I give in. He gives me a wide smile before turning back to his closet to find his own shirt to wear.

I grab my cloths off my bag and head to the bathroom to change. Once I'm done I run my fingers through my hair before putting it in its normal braid. I look at myself in the mirror. Wow, I look terrible.

When I'm done, I open the door and head back into Hiccup's room. When I enter, I see a shirtless Hiccup slipping on a plain gray undershirt, before putting on a blue plaid button down on top. I may have only seen his abs for a couple of secounds but god, his abs are toned and muscular to just the right amount. Not to much, or to little, it was perfect. I swear I couldn't look away, that was until my thoughts were inturrupted.

Rockers Love Story (Hiccstrid) (Watty's 2015)Where stories live. Discover now